최근 수정 시각 : 2024-01-25 12:40:14


조지은(언어학자)에서 넘어옴
파일:조지은 교수(언어학자) 01.jpg 파일:조지은 교수(언어학자) 02.jpg
<colbgcolor=#002147><colcolor=white> 국문 성명 <colbgcolor=white,#1f2023><colcolor=#000,white>조지은
영문 성명 Jieun Kiaer [1]
출생 연도 1976년
직업 교수, 언어학자
학력 서울대학교 (아동가족학 / 학사)
서울대학교 대학원 (언어학 / 석사)
킹스 칼리지 런던 (언어학 / 박사)
현직 소속 옥스퍼드 대학교 아시아-중동학부 교수 ((2007년 9월 - 현재)
허트퍼드 컬리지 Tutorial Fellow[2] (2007년 9월 - 현재)
논문 및 저서 목록 Google Scholar
누리집 Jieun Kiaer 01
Jieun Kiaer 02
1. 개요2. 언론 보도

1. 개요

언어학, 한국어학, 제2외국어 습득 분야 연구자. 영국 옥스퍼드 대학교 아시아-중동학부 교수(professor)로서 재직중 (2007년 9월 - 현재). 영국인과 결혼 후, 배우자의 성을 따라 이름의 로마자 표기는 Jieun Kiaer로 변경.

==# 논문, 출판물 #==
  • Kempson, R., Cann, R. and Kiaer, J. (2006) Topic, focus and the structural dynamics of language. The Architecture of Focus, pp. 59-81.
  • Kiaer, J. (2007) Processing and interfaces in syntactic theory: The case of Korean. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of London.
  • Kiaer, J., Kempson, R. and Cann, R. (2008) Periphery effects and the dynamics of tree growth. In B. Shaer, P. Cook, W. Frey and C. Maienborn (eds.) Dislocation: Syntactic, Semantic and Discourse Perspectives, pp. 141-170. Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J. and Kempson, R. (2008) Processing left peripheral NPI in Korean: At the syntax, semantics and phonology interface. In Takubo (ed) 16th Japanese/Korean Linguistics, pp. 372-391. CSLI, University of Chicago.
  • Kiaer, J. and Kempson, R. (2009) Japanese scrambling: The dynamics of on-line processing. Chapter 1 of H. Hoshi (ed) The Dynamics and Mechanism of Language: Perspectives from Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience, pp. 5-45. Kuroshio Press: Tokyo.
  • Kiaer, J. (2010) Multiple –ka construction and performance-grammar correspondence. Proceedings of Second European Conference in Korean Linguistics, pp. 114-125. Lincom Europa.
  • Kiaer, J. (2010) On the meaning and distribution of TUL in Korean: Evidence from corpora. Language Research 46 (2), 257-272.
  • Kempson, R. and Kiaer, J. (2010) Multiple long-distance scrambling: Syntax as reflections of processing. Journal of Linguistics 46 (1), 127-192.
  • Kiaer, J. (2011) Word order variation in Korean. In R. Kempson, E. Gregoromichelaki and C. Howes (eds) The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces, pp. 165-204. CSLI Publications.
  • Kiaer, J. and Shin, J. (2012) Prosodic interpretation of object particle omission in Korean (Mokjeokgyeokjosa saengryak hyeonsange daehan unyuljeok haeseok). Korean Linguistics (Hangugeohak) (57), 331-355.
  • Kiaer, J., Shin, J. and Cha, J. (2012) The Sounds of Korean. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
  • Kiaer, J., Yeon, J. and Brown, L. (2012) The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader. Routledge: UK.
  • Kiaer, J. (2014) Pragmatic Syntax. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Kiaer, J. (2014) Hangugeo soge sumeo inneun yeongeo daneo iyagi (English words in Korean). Pakijeong: Seoul, Korea. (published in Korean)
  • Kiaer, J. (2014) The Old Korean Poetry. Lincom Europa: Germany.
  • Kiaer, J. (2014) Jeju Language: Tales from the Edge of the Korean Peninsula. Lincom Europa: Germany.
  • Kiaer, J. (2014) The History of English Loanwords in Korean. Lincom Europa: Germany.
  • Park, J., Kiaer, J., Seedhouse, P. and Comber, R. (2016) Korean language learning through cooking in the digital kitchen. International Journal of Korean Language Education 2 (2), 195-222.
  • Park, J., Seedhouse, P., Comber, R. and Kiaer, J. (2016) Physicality and language learning. Short papers from EUROCALL 2016, pp. 375-379. EUROCALL CALL Communities and Culture.
  • Kiaer, J. and Bordilovskaya, A. (2017) Hybrid English words in Korean and Japanese: a strange brew or an asset for global English?. Asian Englishes (19) 2, 169-187. DOI: 10.1080/13488678.2016.1278116
  • Kiaer, J. (2017) The Routledge Course in Korean Translation. Routledge: UK.
  • Kiaer, J. (2017) Does a language have to be European to be modern? Retrieved from https://www.languageonthemove.com/does-a-language-have-to-be-european-to-be-modern/
  • Kiaer, J. (2017) Korean drama and variety shows in teaching pragmatics and intercultural communicative competence: A case study from KFL learners’ interviews. Journal of International Korean Education 3 (1), 113-145.
  • Kiaer, J. (2018) Translingual Words: An East Asian Lexical Encounter with English (1st ed). Routledge: London.
  • Kiaer, J. (2019) Jeju Haenyeo: Historical Records, Interviews and Songs. Lincom Europa. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jeju-haenyeo-Historical-records-interviews/dp/3862889912
  • Kiaer and Song (2019) Eoneoui aideul (young children’s language). Science Books: Seoul, Korea. (published in Korean)
  • Kiaer and Bladen (2019) Social media in Korean language assessment: Potential of dialogue-based CALL for politeness feedback. The Proceedings of International Association of Korean Langugae Education. Seoul.
  • Sherr-Ziarko, E. and Kiaer, J. (2019) A prosodic analysis of intervening objects in English phrasal verbs using the British national corpus. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain and P. Warren (eds) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia 2019 Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
  • Kiaer, J., Guest, J. and Li, X.A. (2019) Translation and Literature in East Asia: Between Visibility and Invisibility. Routledge: London. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781351108676
  • Kiaer, J., Park, M.J., Choi, N. and Driggs, D. (2019) The roles of age, gender and setting in Korean half-talk shift. Discourse and Cognition 26 (3), 279-308.
  • Park, J., Choi, N., Kiaer, J. and Seedhouse, P. (2019) Young children’s L2 vocabulary learning through cooking: The case of Korean EFL children. The Asian EFL 21 (1), 109-138.
  • Kiaer, J. and Yates, A. (2019) Korean Literature Through the Korean Wave. Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J. (2020) Delicious Words: East Asian Food Words in English. Routledge: London.
  • Kiaer, J. (2020) Study Abroad: Understanding Korean Language and Culture. Routledge.
  • Kiaer, J. (2020) Left-to-right asymmetry and early association in Korean. Journal of Logic, Language and Information. DOI: 10.1007/s10849-020-09318-3
  • Kiaer and Kim (2021) Understanding meanings of 1-inch barrier: The case of Parasite. In Y. Kim (ed) The Korean Wave: Korean Media Go Global.
  • Kiaer and Kim (2021) Conventions in how Korean films mean: A pilot testing ‘Segmented Film Discourse Representation Structures’, Empirical Multimodal Research, Springer
  • Ahn, H. and Kiaer, J. (2020) Pop culture words: How can K-Wave turn Korean words into global, translingual words? English Today 1-10. DOI:10.1017/S0266078420000292
  • Ahn, H., Choi, N. and Kiaer, J. (2020) South Korean perceptions of ‘native’ speaker of English in social and news media via big data analytics. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca.
  • Lambton-Howard, D., Kiaer, J. and Kharrufa, A. (2020) ‘Social media is their space’: Student and teacher use and perception of features of social media in language education. Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2020.1774653
  • Yan, J. and Kiaer, J. (2020) By the translators’ discretion: A study of Xíngshì yán into Hangeul. The Review of Korean Studies (23) 139-160.
  • You, Z., Kiaer, J. and Ahn, H. (2020) Growing East Asian words in English: British university students’ attitudes to words of East Asian origin in the English language. English Today 36 (2), 17-34. DOI:10.1017/S026607841900018X
  • Shin, U., Kiaer, J. and Shin, J. (2020) Jejudo Korean, The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. In M. Robbeets and A. Savelyev (eds) Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages. Oxford University Press.
  • Gregoromichelaki, E., Chatzikyriakidis, S., Eshghi, A., Hough, J., Howes, C., Kempson, R., Kiaer, J., Purver, M., Sadrzadeh, M. and White, G. (2020) Affordance competition in dialogue: The case of syntactic universals. https://brandeis.app.box.com/s/e7oqbbcgiplleg3n5o8cufedh703t16u
  • Kiaer and Kim (2021) Understanding Korean Film. Routledge.
  • Khedun-Bburgoine and Kiaer (2021) Korean Wave in World Englishes. Routledge.
  • Kiaer, Yates and Mandersloot (2021) On Translating Modern Korean Poetry. Routledge.
  • Kiaer, Falato, Mino, Jolliffe and Bianchi (2021) Missionary Translators: Translation of Christian Texts in East Asia. Routledge.
  • Kiaer and Nebres (2021) Individualised, multi-modal speech styles in Korean instant messaging. Korean Linguistics.
  • Kiaer, J., Ahn, H., Salazar, D. and Bordilovskaya, A. (forthcoming/2021) Beyond Borrowing: Lexical Interaction between English and Asian Languages. Routledge.

2. 언론 보도

날짜 링크 내용
2014. 08. 01. 경향신문 언어 변형. 저서 '한국어 속에 숨어있는 영어 단어 이야기'.
2019. 04. 26. 문화일보 아동의 제2 외국어 습득. 저서 '언어의 아이들'.
2019. 05. 01. 동아일보 아동의 제2 외국어 습득. 저서 '언어의 아이들'.
2019. 05. 05. 경향신문 아동의 제2 외국어 습득. 저서 '언어의 아이들'.
2020. 09. 07. 재외동포신문 영국 한국교육원 주최 한국어 웨비나 강연
2020. 09. 07. 한인헤럴드 영국 한국교육원 주최 한국어 웨비나 강연

[1] 영국인과 결혼하여 배우자의 성(姓)을 따랐다.[2] 학부생들을 1대1로 지도하는 펠로우를 의미. 학부(undergraduate) 입시 담당. 한국 대학의 학사과정 학생(학부생) 지도교수에 준함