1. 개요
싱어송라이터 이시바시 에이코의 음반을 정리하는 문서.2. 정규 앨범
2.1. 1집 〈Works for Everything〉
1st Album Works for Everything | |
발매 : 2006. 04. 19 | |
<rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Introduction |
2 | 夜鷹の星 (쏙독새의 별) |
3 | Moroheiya Sun & Rainbowz |
4 | ベラのテーマ (베라의 테마) |
5 | 友を想起す (친구를 상기하다) |
6 | Gastank |
7 | Ask My Dad |
8 | Game IV |
10 | Escape |
11 | ベラの食卓 (베라의 식탁) |
12 | Bird (that cannot leave G) |
13 | Game II |
14 | Water Face |
15 | Crash |
17 | Game V |
18 | 光る窓に (빛나는 창문에) |
2.2. 2집 〈drifting devil〉
2nd Album drifting devil | |
발매 : 2008. 12. 03 | |
<rowcolor=#000000> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Dizzy Dance |
2 | Fearless【STOP】 |
3 | Fanfare |
4 | 橋の下にて (다리 위에서) |
5 | 橋の上にて (다리 아래에서) |
6 | KOkKA |
7 | Last Sky |
8 | drifting devil |
9 | Postcard from Ghost |
10 | 嘆きの砂 (한탄의 모래) |
11 | 帰郷 (귀향) |
12 | アーケイドのクリスマス (아케이드의 크리스마스) |
2.3. 3집 〈carapace〉
3rd Album carapace | |
발매 : 2011. 01. 03 | |
<rowcolor=#000000> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | coda |
2 | shortcircuit |
3 | rythm |
4 | splash |
5 | shadow |
6 | emptyshout |
7 | face |
8 | hum |
2.4. 4집 〈Imitation of life〉
4th Album Imitation of life | |
발매 : 2012. 06. 20 | |
<rowcolor=#000000> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Introduction |
2 | resurrection |
3 | long scan of the test tube sea |
4 | written in the wind |
5 | silent running |
6 | fugitive |
7 | imitation of life |
2.5. 5집 〈car and freezer〉
5th Album car and freezer | |
발매 : 2014. 03. 12 | |
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 트랙 | 제목 |
DISC1 : Japanese | |
1 | たいくつなものがたり (몇가지 이야기) |
2 | 塩を舐める (소금을 핥다) |
3 | 私のリトルプリンセス (나의 리틀 프린세스) |
4 | 時を告げて (때를 알리고) |
5 | 遠慮だね (사양하네) |
6 | ゴリラの背 (고릴라의 키) |
7 | ラップ・トップ・ブルース (랩 톱 블루스) |
8 | 幼い頃、遊んだ海は (어렸을 때 놀았던 바다는) |
DISC2 : English | |
1 | there’s a river |
2 | car and freezer |
3 | memory and dust |
4 | mr.cloud |
5 | a part of your life |
6 | borderline in shadow |
7 | waiting sign |
8 | tonight |
2.6. 6집 〈The Dream My Bones Dream〉
6th Album The Dream My Bones Dream | |
발매 : 2018. 07. 04 | |
<rowcolor=#DE60AB> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Prologue: Hands on the Mouth |
2 | Agloe |
3 | Iron Veil |
4 | Silent Scrapbook |
5 | A Ghost In a Train,Thinking |
6 | The Dream My Bones Dream |
7 | Tunnels to Nowhere |
8 | To the East |
9 | Epilogue: Innisfree |
2.7. 7집 〈Antigone〉
7th Album Antigone | |
발매 : 2025. 03. 28 | |
<rowcolor=#707070> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | October |
2 | Coma |
3 | Trial |
4 | Nothing As |
5 | Mona Lisa |
6 | Continuous Contiguous |
7 | The Model |
8 | Antigone |
3. 사운드트랙 앨범
3.1. 〈無限の住人 / Blade of the Immortal -IMMORTAL-〉
無限の住人 / Blade of the Immortal -IMMORTAL- | |
발매 : 2020. 08. 19 | |
<rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Founding 開闢 ─かいびゃく─ |
2 | Song of the Bugs 蟲の唄 ─むしのうた─ |
3 | Wing Roots 羽根 ─はね─ |
4 | Animal 獣 ─けもの─ |
5 | Dream Pangs 夢弾 ─ゆめびき─ |
6 | 100 Spectacular Dances 焉舞百景 ─えんぶひゃっけい─ |
7 | Massacre 鏖 ─みなごろし─ |
8 | Twilight 誰そ彼 ─たそかれ─ |
9 | Ten Final Pushes 十掉尾 ─じゅっとうび─ |
10 | Amendments 改起 ─かいき─ |
11 | Unending 霏々 ─ひひ─ |
12 | Banshee’s Cries 鬼哭 ─きこく─ |
13 | Ceremonial Bond 儀結 ─ぎけつ─ |
14 | Fall Frost 秋霜─しゅうそう─ |
3.2. 〈Drive My Car〉
Drive My Car | |
발매 : 2021. 08. 18 | |
<rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Drive My Car |
2 | Drive My Car (Misaki) |
3 | Drive My Car (Cassette) |
4 | Drive My Car (the important thing is to work) |
5 | “We’ll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights” |
6 | “We’ll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights” (SAAB 900) |
7 | “We’ll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights” (Oto) |
8 | Drive My Car (Kafuku) |
9 | Drive My Car (The truth, no matter what it is, isn’t that frightening) |
10 | “We’ll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights” (And when our last hour comes we’ll go quietly) |
with bonus tracks / Digital Only | |
11 | Drive My Car (Kafuku) |
12 | “We’ll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights” (different ways) |
3.3. 〈Evil Does Not Exist〉
Evil Does Not Exist | |
발매 : 2024. 06. 28 | |
<rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Evil Does Not Exist V.2 |
2 | Hana V.2 |
3 | Fether |
4 | Smoke |
5 | Deer Blood |
6 | Missing V.2 |
7 | Evil Does Not Exist |
4. 기타 앨범
4.1. 피아노 솔로 앨범 〈I’m armed〉
I’m armed | |
발매 : 2012. 10. 17 | |
<rowcolor=#96A462> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | I’m old |
2 | forgotten faces |
3 | rooms of orchids |
4 | i don’t know where to go |
5 | pieces of echo |
6 | homecoming |
7 | i know where to go |
8 | evening of the light |
9 | bela |
10 | I’m armed |
4.2. 〈Hyakki Yagyō〉
Hyakki Yagyō | |
발매 : 2020. 07. 24 | |
<rowcolor=#02CDB4> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Hyakki Yagyō Part 1 |
2 | Hyakki Yagyō Part 2 |
4.3. 〈For McCoy〉
For McCoy | |
발매 : 2022. 01. 21 | |
<rowcolor=#5D4D39> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | I can feel guilty about anything (Part 1) |
2 | I can feel guilty about anything (Part 2) |
3 | Ask me how I sleep at night |
5. 콜라보레이션 앨범
5.1. 〈Kouen Kyoudai /公園兄弟〉
Kouen Kyoudai /公園兄弟 | |
발매 : 2016. 03. 14 | |
<rowcolor=#E7C019> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Slide |
2 | Junglegym |
5.2. 〈Ichida〉
Ichida | |
발매 : 2018. 07. 20 | |
<rowcolor=#694193> 트랙 | 제목 |
1 | Ichida Part 1 |
2 | Ichida Part 2 |