최근 수정 시각 : 2024-03-21 16:42:53

틀:WITH 트랙리스트

東方神起 The 8th Japanese Album
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px); color: #464749,#000"
{{{#!folding [ 수록곡 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -1px -11px; word-break: keep-all; color: #464749,#cdd2d4"
<rowcolor=#464749> 트랙 곡명 수록 싱글
01 Refuse to lose 〜Introduction〜
02 Spinning
03 Believe In U
04 SURISURI (Spellbound)
05 Time Works Wonders Time Works Wonders
07 I just can't quit myself
08 <rowcolor=#464749>Chandelier
09 Baby, don't cry Time Works Wonders
10 Answer Sweat / Answer
11 Calling
12 Sweat Sweat / Answer
13 Special One
14 With Love
15 Christmas is loving
16 Refuse to lose (Full Ver.)
}}}}}}}}} ||

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