레벨 1에서 카트로 여는 문이 있는 곳에서 계단쪽에 있는 박스 사이에 노란색 드라이버가 있다.이 드라이버를 가지고 가서 스폰장소에 있는 벤트에 다가 쓰면은 벤트 문이 열린다.이 벤트 안에 이 녀석이 있다. 이 괴물한테 상호작용을 하면 자기 대사를 내뱉는다. 대사는 다음과 같다.
Welcome. It seems Bulderme and Krimrie couldn't hide the screwdriver good enough. Yeah, they're not as good as they seem y'know. Anything they find "Goofy" will be locked up. We didn't choose to be here.And I'm most certain they believe YOU guys are goofy. There's really no other reason they trappd you guys here, too. Thank you for freeing me.Unfortunately, I am just too tired to go any where at this point.
다시 한번 상호작용할때
Thank you again for letting me see some light. But like I said, I'm too tired to go anywhere
Ah, it seems you found me! I'm sure you heard from my brother about Bulderme and Krimrie right?. Allow me to tell you about them in my own words.” Krimrie is the "manufacturer" of some of these places. He sets up "rooms" for the damned. Bulderme make these places to life. He also finds victims or "testers" to get chased by us. We don't want to kill you guys, but Bulderme says we have to. The ones that disagreed became "The Damned".
다시 한번 상호작용 했을때
I would like to travel with you guys, but I would get p>erished by Bulderme. Get out while you still can!
Oh, it seems Bulderme is a total idiot. Or maybe, was darkened walls intentional? He could be doing this to lead you down dark paths. Who knows? Maybe all of this leads you to nowhere. Attacking people just isn't my thing. Though I have an unnerving appearance, you don't ju>dge a book by its cover. The others know me as "Big Hug Bill". People know me as well that there are hats of me. Just remember one thing, don't trust everything that developer says...