최근 수정 시각 : 2025-02-07 11:50:49

Krunker/업데이트 내역/시즌 4

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: Krunker/업데이트 내역
1. 3.2.x
2. 3.3.x
3. 3.4.x
4. 3.5.x
5. 3.6.x
6. 3.7.x
7. 3.8.x
8. 3.9.x
9. 4.0.x
10. 4.1.x
10.1. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE 4.1.310.5. UPDATE 4.1.410.6. UPDATE 4.1.510.7. UPDATE 4.1.610.8. UPDATE 4.1.710.9. UPDATE 4.1.810.10. UPDATE 4.1.9
11. 4.2.x
11.1. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE 4.2.311.5. UPDATE 4.2.411.6. UPDATE 4.2.511.7. UPDATE 4.2.611.8. UPDATE 4.2.711.9. UPDATE 4.2.811.10. UPDATE 4.2.9
12. 4.3.x

Krunker 업데이트 내역
시즌 3 시즌 4 시즌 5

1. 3.2.x

1.1. UPDATE 3.2.5

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-15
(시즌 4 시작)
More Items, Modes, Regions, Anti Cheat, Maps, Item Types and Features are coming very soon.
If you are experiencing frame drops; disable ambient shading in the settings.
Map Overhauls and Optimizations are being worked on as well
* 150개 이상의 모자 아이템 추가
* 15개 이상의 얼굴 아이템 추가
* 60개 이상의 몸통 아이템 추가
* 250개 이상의 무기 아이템 추가
* 15개 이상의 근접무기 아이템 추가
* 새로운 Black Market 아이템 추가
* 새로운 아이템 유형: 신발
* Added New Challenge Levels to Level 30
* 무지개 Challenge Level 색상 추가
* Krunk TV에 더 많은 Creator 추가
* Free 스핀 추가
* Android App에 Free KR 추가 (Different Provider. IOS Soon)
* 인게임에 Edit Map Button 추가
* 편집기에 Wireframe Mode 추가
* 편집기에 Wireframe Keybind 추가
* 새로운 맵: Site (Test from Competition: More Soon)
* 편집기에 MTL Exporting 추가
* Hosting API 추가: Preparation for FaceIT Integration
* 편집기에 Baked Lighting Option 추가 (WIP: Colors + Glow soon)
* Added 3D Item Preview when pressing (?) button in Inventory (in-game)
* Added 3D Item Preview to Spin Items Preview Icons
* Rocketeer에 보조무기 다시 추가
* Added Optimize Faces to Editor Optimizations Tab
* 무기 재장전 상하 위치 설정 추가
* Added Game URL to Popup when Publishing a Game/Map
* Added more info to Editor Dropdowns
* 편집기에 Texture Rotation Option 추가
* 환경 광원 셰이딩을 Slider 설정으로 변경
* 모든 Rotation Map의 Lighting 조정 (WIP Some glitches Expected)
* (The lighting changes are a work in progress and will be improved/changed based on feedback)
* Newtown을 Littletown으로 병합
* FPS Sliding을 완벽하게 제거
* Can now Scroll on 3D Item Preview to Rotate it in Spin Popup
* Can now use KR Triggers in Trade mode (Issue with G key Fixed)
* Sign 제한 25로 증가
* Optimized initial Map Loading time
* 모바일 성능 최적화
* 맵 내보내기 파일 크기 최적화
* LMG 재장전 속도 100ms 감소
* Fixed Boost Pads on High Lighting
* Burg에서의 Shotgun 글리치 수정
* Burg와 Lostworld에서의 Ladder 문제 해결
* Fixed Scaling issue with Uniform scaled objects in Editor
* Fixed Custom Group Editing in the Editor
* Fixed Texture Swapping in the Viewer
* 모든 Shotgun Remodel Skins 수정
* 이제 Jumpscare는 Moddable

1.2. UPDATE 3.2.6

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-15
* Skin Texture가 불러와지지 않던 일부 문제 해결
* Fixed Issue with some clients being stuck on Loading...

1.3. UPDATE 3.2.7

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-16
* Cosmetic Sound를 위한 Separate Volume Slider 추가
* 새로운 허리 아이템 추가
* 더 많은 Moddable 설정 추가
* KPD 추가
* Fixed Shoot through wall issue on site
* Increased Weapon Offset Settings Max
* 스킨 업데이트: Sad Noodle, Swipe Left
* Skin Creator 목록 업데이트

1.4. UPDATE 3.2.8

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-17
* Sandstorm의 조명 약간 조정: Rebake
* 약간의 스킨 더 추가
* 진행 막대 Customization 설정 추가
* Added Charge-Up Time to Knife Throw: Longer Charge = More Distance & Damage
* (This is a test. It may change based on community feedback)
* Reduced Maximum Damage of Throwing Knife to 180 from 200
* 진행 막대의 애니메이션을 더 부드럽게 만듦
* 약간의 서버 수정

1.5. UPDATE 3.2.9

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-18
* Free KR이 돌아옴 (Reduced KR Rate)
* Free 스핀 추가
* 약간의 스킨 더 추가
* 2개의 진행 막대 Customization 설정 더 추가
* 이제 Runner는 칼을 던질때 더 빠르게 Charge할 수 있음
* Default Sprays are now considered Free items and have a stats page
* Fixed Issue with Mobile Controls not Working
* 스프레이 Randomization 수정
* 편집기의 Guide Popup 업데이트

2. 3.3.x

2.1. UPDATE 3.3.0

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-21
* Free KR을 새로운 Ad Provider로 이동
* Black Market에 Trigger Mastery 추가
* When Hosting a Game with Select Teams Setting you now get unique Links to send to each team
* Added more Quickstart Options/Templates to Editor (WIP)
* (The templates will be improved over time)
* Added Custom Movement Control Option to Editor (WIP)
* (Allows for more control over movement in your Games/Maps)
* Added Checkpoint support to Respawn trigger action
* Added Override Jump Option in Editor Config
* Player Sprites are now Loaded from Assets
* Changed Minimum Value for Gravity to 0 in Game Settings
* You can now see Current Player Count on the games list
* 편집기에서 Speed X,Y,Z의 Max Value 증가
* Clicking away from Free KR Popup hides it from future matches
* Fixed Issue with Triggers Retaining Data after Round Reset

2.2. UPDATE 3.3.1

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-24
* FPS 최적화
* KPD 추가
* Increased Payout Rates for Map/Game Creators from $0.50 PM to 0.80$ PM
* Added Team Setting to AI (Only works in Team Based Modes)
* Added Basic Builder Tool: Build Blocks in Customs (WIP)
* (Full Customization Options coming soon + more blocks, stairs etc)
* Custom에 Survivor 클래스 추가 (For later use)
* Ramp에 Collidable Setting 추가
* Fixed Stuck on Loading issue on some clients
* Added Fix for Virtual Controllers being Forced on
* Added Visibility Option to AI

2.3. UPDATE 3.3.2

업데이트 날짜: 2020-11-27
(We are still working with FaceIT to improve Anti Cheat & to Provide a better Comp Experience)
* Fixed Embed issues on iFrames
* 약간의 더 많은 스킨 추가
* Can now use Negative Values for X,Y,Z Speed in Editor
* 편집기 내 Player Config에서 Move Dir Value 추가
* 2D Platformer Template 수정
* Top Down Template 수정
* Fixed issue where Score is still deducted if you cant build
* Added Texture to Building Blocks
* Survivor Class에 더 많은 Building Block 추가
* (More Coming Soon)
* Can now Build on Terrain
* IP Ban 시행
* (Please keep Reporting hackers. It really helps)
* KPD 추가
* 약간의 서버 수정

2.4. UPDATE 3.3.3

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-01
(A third Person Aim Fix is being worked on)
* Free 스핀 추가
* Categorized Inbox a bit More
* Fixed issues with Object Collision on Terrain (Trees etc)
* Added Basic Scripting UI to Editor (Script Support coming soon)
* Walls now Snap to other Walls better
* Walls now Rotate to View when placed on Terrain
* Slightly Increased Build Speed (Adjust Firerate on Buildtool Config)
* Added Force Team Spawn Setting
* Rocketeer now gets 75 points per kill
* Added Zone Height Setting to Editor
* Updated Mobile Default Settings
* Updated Ranked Button to ESports
* Chat is now Hidden on Mobile while in-game
* Fixed issue with Home Button not working on Mobile
* Fixed Reflecting Objects in the Editor
* Fixed Most Object Interactions on Mobile

2.5. UPDATE 3.3.4

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-04
* Charity Drop 아이템 추가
* 새로운 지역 추가: South Korea (Seoul)
* 약간의 서버 수정
* Fixed issue where you can't withdraw KR from your map
* Removed Edit Map Button from Select Map Menu
* Added new Trigger Action: Clear Checkpoint
* When you come from a play link it only shows servers from that game/map

2.6. UPDATE 3.3.5

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-08
* Free 스핀 추가
* KPD 더 추가
* Custom Scope Preset Screen 추가
* Scope Height/Width 설정 추가
* Can now add Scope and Reticle Presets
* Can now add Animated/Frame Textures to Blocks in Editor
* Asset Texture Size 제한 증가
* GLTF Import Partial 수정
* Added Setting to Social to Hide Trade Messages

2.7. UPDATE 3.3.6

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-13
* 새로운 스킨 더 추가
* KPD 더 추가
* Creator Scope 추가
* Added Scope & Scope Border Opacity settings
* Added Scope Border Color Setting
* Added Force Transparency Option to the Editor
* Added Social Post Linking from inbox
* Added Popup to Close Client
* Added Custom Maps Info to Main Menu
* Scope Width & Height now work with Animated Images
* Loadouts & Custom Scopes/Reticles are now exportable and importable with other settings
* Fixed issue with Deleting Scopes & Reticles
* Fixed Require Kills Interact Message on Pickups
* Updated Mod zip (https://assets.krunker.io/mod.zip?v=3.3.6)

2.8. UPDATE 3.3.7

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-15
* KPD 추가
* Added 7 Day Option to Premium
* 새로운 Creator 스코프 추가: Sorable
* Added Search to Trade offers
* Added Force Transparency to More Objects
* Added Share button to Hub Posts
* Clan War에 더 많은 Clan Tag Color 추가
* Added Ramp to Build Tool (WIP)
* Removed Support Beam from Build Tool
* Updated Build Blocks to be Models instead of Cubes
* Vote Kick Max Level 재조정 (Now 20)
* Ranked Games no longer count toward clan war contract
* Server Browser now shows Games sorted by Region when in Play Mode
* Increase Premium Trade Item Limit to 15
* Game Creators can now Choose to Share update posts or not
* Woodstock Famas Preview 수정
* Fixed Trigger Connections in the Editor
* Renamed "Shader Based Rendering" to "Instance Rendering"
* Menu UI 약간 변경
* Mod zip 업데이트 (https://assets.krunker.io/mod.zip?v=3.3.7)

2.9. UPDATE 3.3.8

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-21
(We have hired 3 new Devs to Help out with the workload)
* Updated Terms & Conditions Surrounding Partner Payouts
* Free 스핀 추가
* 9명의 KPD 추가 (Applications being Reviewed still)
* Added Editor Button to main menu
* Changelog에 Roadmap 추가
* Added Basic Game Making Guide to Editor
* Replaced Default Option in Clan War Contracts with Blank
* Fixed Gravity issue with Flappy Bird Template
* Fixed issue with Post Option on Map updates
* Added Stretched Texture Setting to Cylinders in Editor
* Added new Movement Preset for Customs: KPMA (Strafing, BHop etc) (WIP)
* Fixed Sprite Invisible Issue on .io Preset
* Fixed issue where Reports are listed in the wrong order (For Moderators)
* Can now see all reports (For Moderators)
* You now earn more KR from winning clan wars
* Added Send Sound Trigger Action (Plays sound for 1 User)

2.10. UPDATE 3.3.9

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-23
(If you believe that you have been banned in error. Contact [email protected])
(IP bans will start rolling out over the coming days)
(Clan Wars will be changed to be time based and not KDR Based)
* Start of IP Bans
* Free 스핀 추가
* KPD 추가
* KPD Call list is now ordered by Trust Score
* Update KPD Call List so its easier to read
* Hacker Reports can now be reviewed more effectively by moderators
* KPD has joined Message 비활성화
* Increased KPD Call limit from 10 per day to 20
* Auto Pistol 소리가 재생되지 않던 문제 해결
* AK 연사력 약간 감소
* Christmas Spin Item Preview 수정

3. 3.4.x

3.1. UPDATE 3.4.0

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-24
* KPD 추가
* Fixed Loading issue on Firefox and Mobile
* Fixed Sorting issue for KPD Calls
* 서버 수정

3.2. UPDATE 3.4.1

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-26
* Custom에서 Disconnect 문제 해결
* Christmas Spin 제거
* Added Appeals Section to Appeal Bans to Contact Page
* 8명의 KPD 추가
* Fixed issue with Test/Offline Mode
* 이제 클랜 Owner는 Clan Discord Link를 추가할 수 있음
* Increased "Tick" Rate for Spectating (KPD 전용)
* Fixed bug where class level isn't shown correctly
* Fixed Free KR Bug where it gave the wrong value
* Updated Freight Decorations

3.3. UPDATE 3.4.2

업데이트 날짜: 2020-12-31
* Official Client에 Game Capture 추가
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Class Balance Survey: To Gather Feedback for Balancing the Meta
* Added Official Custom Servers: Hosted 24/7 (Earn KR Like Pubs)
* Added Appeals Popup when Singing into Tagged Account
* 새로운 장착품 추가: Acog (Req Class Level 20)
* Added Ban Log for Moderators to View Ban History (Increases Accountability)
* 다중 Trigger Actions
* Progress on Face-IT Integration
* 서버 수정
* Nuke will now always go off if called in near the end of the game
* Fixed issue with Gates not showing when map details is turned off
* Fixed issue with Hub Page not Loading in Thailand

3.4. UPDATE 3.4.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-01
* Added Sydney to Official Customs
* 서버 수정
* Temporary Reduced KR earned from Official Custom Race Maps

3.5. UPDATE 3.4.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-06
* Server Browser Overhaul: Choose Modes more easily
* Updated Legacy Server Browser Setting (To use old Browser)
* 새로운 킨 추가
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Ability to Vote on next Official Custom Map between rounds
* Official FFA Only Server 추가 (Constant FFA Lobbies to earn KR+XP)
* Added new Official Custom Maps (More will be added soon)
* 이제 Official Custom에서 KPD를 호출할 수 있음
* Fixed issue with Edit Map Button not working Properly from Hub
* Fixed issue where Popups are positioned wrong on the Hub
* Fixed issue with Certain Models loading in editor but not in-game
* Fixed issue with Ranked Challenges still being required
* Hub Leaderboards now Update more frequently
* 마켓 게시 수수료를 10%로 증가
* Fixed issue with Terms

3.6. UPDATE 3.4.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-06
* Mode now shows on legacy browser
* Fixed player count on games list on Hub
* Fixed issue on Defuse Official Customs
* Fixed Sorting of Servers in Browser

3.7. UPDATE 3.4.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-08
* 여러 개의 새로운 스킨 추가
* 서버 탐색기에 기본 지역만 표시 설정 추가
* Adjusted Server Browser to be Grouped by Regions
* Fixed player count on games list in-game
* Fixed Legacy Browser searching
* Removed Christmas Decorations
* Official Race Map 최적화
* Added ability to search by Region or Mode in new Server Browser
* Mod Menu에 Reset Mod 버튼 추가
* Fixed Lag issue with Build Blocks
* Clan War Contracts are now based on Time Played instead of lives: 4h per contract

3.8. UPDATE 3.4.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-10
* Free 스핀 추가
* 여러 개의 새로운 스킨 추가
* KPD 추가
* Fixed issue where Trigger Charge KR Per Action when multiple actions are applied
* Can now upload an image to use as a skybox instead of having to use a mod
* Added Speedrun UI to Parkour/Race Mode: Use scorezones
* Increased Sign Limit from 30 to 35
* Time now Increases in Parkour Mode: Own Time
* Official Customs dont count towards CW Contracts anymore
* Can now Reset to Start in Parkour Mode by Pressing: B

3.9. UPDATE 3.4.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-12
* Fixed issue with Timer in Bhop mode
* Host Setting 추가: Log Time (Speed Run UI)
* Player Model에서 Asset Rotation Setting 추기 (Editor)
* 편집기에 더 많은 Player Setting 추가: Decel, Accel etc
* Reset Key is now Mappable on Parkour Mode
* Fixed Delay when Resetting on Parkour Mode
* Added Teleport to Active Checkpoint Option to Teleporters
* 폭발 효과 숨기기 설정 추가
* Added Explosion setting to Moddable Settings
* Added Moddable Check-Point Sound
* 편집기에 Vehicle Template 추가
* Added Moddable Reset Sound on Parkour
* KDR 표시 옵션 추가: UI
* Added Speed Lines to Moddable Settings
* Added another map to Defuse Rotation
* Added super basic Vehicle Preset to Movement Presets (WIP: Glitchy)
* Speed Run Display now Supports Hours
* 관전 모드의 Raid에서 히트마커가 표시되지 않던 문제 해결
* Added Highscores Tab to Map Page (WIP)
* Disabled bobbing animation with Custom Asset
* Renamed Dialogue Volume Category to Action Volume
* Fixed issue where Team AI attacks own team on TDM

3.10. UPDATE 3.4.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-14
* Free 스핀 추가
* 여러 개의 새로운 스프레이 추가
* Speed Display now only accounts for Horizontal Velocity
* Added yOffset setting to Player Model Asset
* Added Hide Game Button: Pretend youre doing Work
* Changed CPMA Movement to SRM (Sakura Race Mode)
* (Added Helper UI & Dashing & Ramp Sliding)
* 편집기에 SRM Map Template 추가
* Added Option to Pick unique Custom Asset Model per class
* Added Option to Change Class Config in Editor
* Fixed issue with minPlayers setting not being respected
* Added Popups to Can't Afford Screen
* Fixed Score icon not updating when score resets
* Fixed issue with Speedrun UI overlapping with Spectate UI
* Fixed Turn Speed not working on high FPS for vehicles
* Fixed issue where you fall through floor when teleporting to checkpoint
* Fixed issue with Undefined showing on legacy browser
* Increased Max Turn Speed Value from 3 to 5 in editor
* Updated TOS around Hosting

4. 3.5.x

4.1. UPDATE 3.5.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-15
* Fixed issue with Work Mode showing up when Typing in chat/password/username
* 구 서버 탐색기에 Official Custom의 지역 추가
* Empty Servers now fall to the bottom on New Server Browser
* Added Cast/Receive Shadow Setting to Assets in Editor
* Model Assets can now contain a class icon
* 4명의 KPD 추가

4.2. UPDATE 3.5.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-17
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* Added Force Respawn to Official FFA Only Servers
* Player Preview now changes to Custom Model
* Added Pirates Template to Editor (WIP)
* Added Player Preview Scale setting to Editor Player Config
* Added ability to name teams in editor
* Template Screen is now the Default in the Editor
* 여러 개의 새로운 아이템 & 스킨 추가
* Added shot X and Y Dir Offset to Editor
* Added new Map/Game categories: (Tycoon & Mini-Games)
* Fixed issue with Clan Time + Kills not counting in Clan Wars
* 이제 게시한 Map & Mod를 삭제할 수 있음
* Added Vote kicking to Official Customs (FFA only)
* Gameplay Privacy에 Title Setting 추가
* Explode Trigger Action 추가
* Add knife Swap Button to Mobile Version
* Renamed Game Settings to Server Preset in Editor
* Asset List now shows more Assets in Editor
* Fixed KR Rewards not working on Certain Maps
* Fixed Issue with Weapon & Class config
* Fixed AI Trigger actions not saving in Editor
* Fixed Scrim Server Links not working in Esports Tab
* Fixed issue when importing Signs in the Editor

4.3. UPDATE 3.5.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-21
* Free 스핀 추가
* Updated Host Menu to add more Options (WIP)
* (Comp Server will have increased Tickrate; among other things)
* Updated Guide Page on Editor
* Added Basic Animation Support to Assets (WIP)
* Added Ability to change Weapon Icons in Editor
* Added Custom UI Tool to Editor (WIP)
* Added Click to Copy Link to Host Menu
* 편집기에 MMORPG Movement Scheme 추가
* 편집기에 Obby Template 추가
* Adjusted Ground and Air Accel in Editor to be more consistent
* SRM Mode의 Ramp Desyncing 문제 해결
* Fixed issue where you fall through spawns after Warmup
* SRM Mode의 Decel 문제 해결
* Fixed Timer issues with Min Players
* Delete Mod Option 수정
* Liquid Speed 문제 해결
* Weapon + Class Config now Applies in Test Mode
* Action Value now Changes Explosion Power on Trigger Action
* Fixed Secondaries in Official Customs

4.4. UPDATE 3.5.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-24
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Africa Pickup Discord Link
* Added Animation Template (Basic)
* Cosmetics are now Disabled in Comp Hosted Servers
* Added more Frankfurt Servers
* 여러 개의 스킨 추가
* Updated Icons for Host Menu Options
* AI Attack Sound now Plays when it Melees
* Quick menu is now enabled by default in Editor (Middle click)
* Fixed Jumpscare Trigger Action not working
* Optimized Certain Modes (Player Render Distance)
* Clan Contract list is now Sorted by Time on Clan Page
* Clan war time now counts when you leave the lobby
* Must now be Level 30 to use challenge mode
* Fixed issue where onDamage is triggered even when Trigger is Destroyed
* Fixed issue with Animated Assets not working
* Creator Code used messages now show in Inbox again
* Turn Speed now Supports Decimal Values
* Added Trigger Action delay Option: Delays Execution of Action
* Updated Tutorial Section in the Editor
* Added Decimal Support for Asset Spin Speed
* Fixed issue where you have to Check + Uncheck Cylinder open-ended option
* Fixed spectating issue on Official 24/7 FFA Servers

4.5. UPDATE 3.5.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-27
* Free 스핀 추가
* KPD 추가
* Fixed Spectate issue where players disappear on certain modes
* Made Edit Map button look better in My Games section
* Added Player to Player Collision Option to Editor (WIP)
* Added Disable Jump Option to Player Config in Editor
* Added Animated Weapon/Skin Type (WIP)
* Started AC Data Collection
* Added Limited Time Item Store
* Made Separators in Editor UI more Visible
* Renamed AI to AI Spawner in Editor
* Added on Nuke Trigger Events
* Added new Section to Object Dropdown: Zones
* Added Option to Change AI Projectile: Mesh, Spin Speed, Scale, Speed, Gravity
* Fixed Air Acceleration on Official Customs: Train
* Certain Dropdown Option are now Minimized by Default in Editor
* Fixed issue with Some Assets not Loading in the Editor: Rover etc
* Slightly Updated Store UI (WIP)
* Added Option to Spawn AI with Trigger Action
* Added Option to Adjust Hitbox size of AI
* Added Mesh Y Offset Option to AI

4.6. UPDATE 3.5.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-28
* 서버 충돌 수정
* Fixed AI Spawn issues
* Can now set Start Destroyed on AI Spawner
* Removed Auto AI Spawning from Boss AI (Use Triggers Instead)

4.7. UPDATE 3.5.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-28
* Free 스핀 추가
* 서버 최적화
* Fixed issue with Throwing Melee not Spinning
* Fixed Purchase KR Button issue
* 약간의 Hub 최적화
* Fixed issue where certain destructible objects are desynced

4.8. UPDATE 3.5.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-01-30
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added more Limited items to Limited Store
* Added Item Type Display to Limited Store Popup
* Re-Enabled Direct Trading
* Increased Object Max Health Value from 20k to 50k
* Post to Hub Option now Off by default for Game/Map Updates
* 트레이드 불가능한 아이템에 잠금 아이콘 추가
* Fixed Hover Stats on Item Charts in Hub
* Comp Server의 준비 시간을 1분으로 감소
* Replaced Stalker Jumpscare with Actual Scary one
* Increased Thumbnail max size from 100kb to 150kb
* Increased AI Limit from 35 to 40
* 서버 수정

4.9. UPDATE 3.5.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-02
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added KR Sales (Every 2nd Weekend)
* Added Test in Editor setting (Opens test mode in the editor instead of new tab/window)
* Added Sale Count & estimated earning to Sales page in the Hub
* Updated Clan Page on Hub
* Reduced Comp Warmup time to 30 Seconds from 1 Minute
* Finished FaceIT Backend (Testing Phase Start)
* Hub Loading 최적화
* Hub feed now defaults to Global
* Fixed issue with AI limit 40 not working
* Fixed connection error when using other languages

4.10. UPDATE 3.5.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-03
* 여러 개의 스킨 추가
* Added Basic Help Guide to Menu (WIP)
* 5명의 KPD 추가
* Steam Client의 Loading 문제 해결
* Fixed issue with Client Game Instances being Created when not needed
* Fixed Sales Charts on Hub not working properly on 90d
* Fixed issue with Hosting & Test in Editor setting
* Fixed issue when setting aspect ratio negative

5. 3.6.x

5.1. UPDATE 3.6.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-05
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Experimental Setting to Potentially Fix Polling Rate Mouse Flick issue
* Host Setting에 슬라이드 속도 조절 추가
* 더 이상 준비 시간동안의 죽음은 집계되지 않음
* 스핀에 새로운 Unobtainable 아이템 추가
* Fixed Please Try Later Trading issue
* Krunker India Scrim Discord Link 추가
* Moved Light-Cones and Point Light to new Subsection: Lights
* Fixed issue where Real Hitbox is shown after Baking in Editor
* Added Roam Radius/Time Settings to AI in Editor
* Removed Slight Bobbing animation from AI Bots
* Revolver의 Firerate 약간 감소
* 새로운 설정 추가: Tracer Offset
* Steam Client의 Join Button 수정
* AI 이름이 때때로 보이지 않던 문제 해결

5.2. UPDATE 3.6.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-07
* Free 스핀 추가
* 더 많은 Dallas 서버 추가
* 더 많은 Brazil 서버 추가
* Lightbar Object 추가
* Fixed issue with KR Sales on Weekends
* 이제 Weapon Impulse Power는 음수가 될 수 있음
* Raid Timer는 더 이상 6분으로 강제되지 않음
* Moonfeather Item now Emits Particles
* Impulse Range의 최대 값을 100에서 500으로 증가
* Added Fixed Movement Customs Setting to make Jumpheight and Acceleration FPS Independent (Test before Pubs)
* Default Slide Speed is now 0.96 in Comp Servers (Test before Pubs)
* 편집기에 로그인 할 수 있는 기능 추가
* Added ability to View & Edit your own Maps in Editor
* Vaulted Item은 더 이상 Limited로 표시되지 않고 다음으로 표시됨: Vaulted
* Added Free KR Spin to Featured Spins Section in Store
* Fixed Spray Sorting in Customize Screen
* Skin Selection 창에 검색 추가

5.3. UPDATE 3.6.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-10
* Free 스핀 추가
* 여러 개의 스킨 추가
* Increased Max Weapon Impulse Range from 500 to 2000
* Can now Add Animated Custom Player Model. Clips: Melee, Shoot, Idle, Walk, Jump
* Added Trigger Action to Set Custom Value on Player
* Can now Tie UI element to Custom Player Value
* 이제 AI의 중력 감도의 기본값은 1
* Added Melee Rate Option to AI in Editor
* Added Trigger Conditions to Editor (WIP)
* Added Different Animation Channels to AI: Melee, Shoot, Idle, Move (WIP)
* Added new Section to Guide: Play with Friends
* Can now Adjust Gravity and Jump force by 3 Decimal Places in Host Settings
* Adjusted Jump Height on Fixed Movement Slightly
* Clan Wars Kills now save when leaving
* Clan War 휴식을 2주로 늘림 (After next one)
* Added Option to Publish from within Editor
* 서버 수정

5.4. UPDATE 3.6.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-13
* Added new Limited Store Items (Available for 1 Week)
* 3명의 KPD 추가
* Free 스핀 추가
* 이제 Weapon Damage은 음수가 될 수 있음
* AI now Attack eachother if opposing teams
* Added Model Direction setting to AI in Editor
* AI 움직임이 더 부드러워짐
* Cleaned up Player Settings Section in Editor with Categories
* Increased Player Menu width to fit longer names
* Added Ability to Delete Assets from My Assets Section in Editor
* Updated Character Animation Template
* Comp Servers now use Fixed Movement and 0.97 Slide Speed
* Updated Brick Texture Slightly
* Slightly Changed Editor Dropdown UI for better visibility
* Separated AI Attack Behaviour into 2 Sections: Melee & Shooting
* Added Melee Damage Setting to AI in Editor
* Added Melee Range Setting to AI in Editor
* Added Anim Speed Option to custom Player Model
* Added "Shoot to Camera" Player Setting to Editor (Shoots at Camera Direction)
* Updated Tutorials & Tips List Layout in Editor
* Fixed AI Nametag Y Position
* Increased AI View Distance
* Fixed AI not rotating when Hitting Player
* Fixed KR Fee displaying incorrectly on Hub
* Texture Assets no longer show in the Quick-Add Menu
* AI now Dies when going below Death Y
* AI Projectiles can now hit other AI
* Can now see other players Jump & Melee Animations
* Added ability to adjust Player Hitbox Size in Editor
* Can now Set Multiple Teams in Editor
* Added Closed Option to Ramps: Affects Visuals only for now
* Fixed issue with importing Custom Reticles & Scopes
* Updated Host Preset Saving & Loading
* (Might break old host presets that contain class/weapon config)

5.5. UPDATE 3.6.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-16
(FaceIT Delays expected)
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added More Limited Items to the Item Shop
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* 이제 편집기에서 Quick-Hosting할 때 Weapon & Class Config이 불러와짐
* 이제 더 이상 Trigger Object를 치료할 수 없음
* Comp Server의 점프 강도를 1.005로 조정
* Reduced Rubber-banding a bit
* Fixed Speed issue on Pirate Template
* Fixed issue where Crossbow shoots 2 shots after certain config changes
* Added Aim Drag Speed Value to Player Config in Editor
* Added Option to AI to toggle if they Attack other AI
* Added Target Players Option to AI (Toggle)
* Fixed issue where changing shotgun ammo in config breaks it
* Added Classindex as a Trigger Condition
* Bullet Dropoff no longer allows for Healing
* Added lock icon on Non-Tradable items in trade window
* Added Objective Duration Setting to Server Config
* Healing now shows Heal Value in Green Text
* Fixed issue where Ambient sound stops after 1 round
* Increased AI Projectile Max Speed and Damage
* Cleaned up Server Preset/Config in Editor (Categorized)
* Added Sound Falloff to Weapon Config in Editor
* Added Class Specific Turn Speed setting
* ADS now zooms while Third Person + Shoot to Camera is Enabled
* Added Crouch Move Speed Multiplier to Player Config
* Categorized Class Config in Editor (Per Class)
* Renamed Played Settings to Gameplay Settings in Editor
* Added Minimum Chase distance to AI (Custom Pathing coming soon)
* Added Spread Slider to AI Shooting Section (Spread/Accuracy)
* Add Play Animation Trigger Action (AI Only for now): Interface ID, Clip Name
* Added Material Subsection to Editor Objects (WIP)
* Added Crouch Animation Channel: Looping Animation like Move/Idle
* Added Shot Break Option to AI: (Stop Moving Time after shot)
* Fixed issue where AI doesn't roam when canHit is not Set
* Added Reflection Quality Setting
* Added Ocean Option to Editor (Includes Real-Time Reflections)
* Added Option to add Glow to AI Projectile
* Added Sound Distance Model to Sound Emitters

5.6. UPDATE 3.6.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-18
(Please Test the movement Changes in the Comp Servers. We are considering implementing it to Pubs as well. For a more balanced experience.)
(KTV now selects random streamers that are currently live)
(FaceIT Delayed due to Technical issues & to ensure Quality)

* Burg 레이아웃 업데이트 (Public Layout Test) Thx MoonJuice
* (Visuals are a work in progress)
* Free 스핀 추가
* 2명의 KPD 추가
* /flip 명령어 제거
* 이제 Krunk TV는 무작위 Krunker 스트리머를 보여줌
* 이제 Comp Server에서 Knife Skin과 Weapon Skin을 사용할 수 있음
* KPD를 위해 Alt Menu(플레이어 목록)에서 우클릭으로 복사하는 기능 추가
* 팀 점수 유지 설정 추가
* 편집기에 더 많은 Map Making Tutorial Video 추가
* Raid Timer가 NaN:NaN로 보이던 문제 해결
* 편집기에 AI Pathnode 추가
* 편집기의 AI에 Path Setting 추가
* Ocean Y Offset에 Decimal Point(소수점) 추가
* 설정에 화면 공간 반사 셰이더 추가 (WIP)
* 설정에 블룸 셰이더 추가
* 편집기에 Teleporter Connection 추가
* 가능한 모든 팀에 팀 이름 & 팀 피해량 배수 설정 추가
* 이제 Texture Rotation은 0-2 대신 0-360 각도를 사용함
* onEnter를 onEnterObject로 이름 변경
* Reflection Resolution이 맵 값을 반영하지 않던 문제 해결
* onExitObject Trigger Event 추가
* 편집기에 Skybox Emissive Texture Option 추가
* AI가 자기 자신에게 피해를 가하던 문제 해결
* Healing AI no longer makes it target you
* 맵을 Publish할 때 "Error Occurred" 오류가 나타나던 문제 해결
* Fixed AI with Team not being able to Trigger anything in Team Modes

5.7. UPDATE 3.6.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-20
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* Suspect is now Shown Separately in Alt Menu for KPD
* 이제 KPD Officer는 Calls에 응답하면 KR을 보상으로 받음
* (Must deal with call properly to earn KR)
* Streamlined KPD System: Ban 처리 과정 간소화
* Added Minimum time KPD must be in Server to make decision (Level Dependant)
* 3팀 & 4팀이 피해를 가할 수 없던 문제 해결
* AI의 최대 Chase Distance 증가
* Fixed issue where AI randomly falls through floor
* 이제 Comp Server의 End Screen에서 DMG Dealt(가한 피해량)를 볼 수 있음
* 서버 수정
* 기본 Aim Drag 조준선 추가
* AI의 Idle Sound가 재생되지 않던 문제 해결

5.8. UPDATE 3.6.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-27
(Twitch Linking Process has been redone. Please Relink)
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added More Limited Items to the Item Shop
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* Defuse Template 수정 (Thanks Prof)
* Trade 모드에서도 잠금 아이콘을 트레이드 불가능한 아이템에 추가
* Trade 모드에서 검색 기능 추가
* Added Old-Shading Setting for Maps without Baked Lighting
* 이름표를 껐을 때에도 AI의 이름표가 보이던 문제 해결
* Fixed Suspect Missing issue for KPD
* KPD Call 제한을 Trust Factor에 따라서 증가
* Weapon Configs에 Legshot Mlt Value 추가
* Added Spectator Button to Disable Nametags
* 새로운 조명 옵션 추가 (Physical)
* 편집기에 RectArea Light 추가 (Requires Lighting set to Physical)
* 편집기에 Spot Light 추가 (Requires Lighting set to High or Physical)
* 편집기에 Directional Light 추가 (Requires Lighting set to Physical)
* 편집기에 Show FPS & Render Distance 설정 추가
* 편집기에 Position Teleporting 추가
* 마우스 순간이동 문제 해결 슬라이더 추가
* Damage sound nolonger triggers when switching classes
* Fixed issue with Waist not showing in the Viewer
* Fixed issue with Lock item not showing on some items in the Hub


업데이트 날짜: 2021-02-28
* 서버 수정

5.10. UPDATE 3.6.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-02
(Some changes have been made to vehicle controls, you may have to update your maps/games)
* Fixed issue with Vehicle Controls when moving backwards (Vehicle Changes are WIP)
* 서버에 KPD Bot 추가
* 새로운 Template 추가: City
* Asset에 FBX 지원 추가
* 이제 GLTF & FBX Asset은 Diffuse 텍스쳐를 필요로 하지 않음
* Added Partial Modding Support to GLTF & FBX models
* Object Connections now render even when one of the objects are off screen
* Object Connections colors are now based on Interface/node ids
* 물리적 조명 관련 문제 해결

5.11. UPDATE 3.6.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-03
* Free 스핀 추가
* 새로운 Trigger Action 추가: Teleport Interface (Move Object to Node)
* 새로운 Trigger Action 추가: Teleport Player to Node
* 새로운 Trigger Action 추가: Reset Object Position
* Interface per Id 제한을 30으로 증가
* Trigger Call 제한을 30으로 증가
* 이제 Editor Backup은 로컬 데이터베이스에 저장됨 (File -> Load Backup)
* Twitch 계정 연동 관련 문제 해결
* 편집기 충돌 수정
* 편집기 크기 문제 해결
* 편집기 Grouping GUI 문제 해결

6. 3.7.x

6.1. UPDATE 3.7.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-05
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* 편집기에서 Game Config을 Class Config으로 이동 (Allows for more class specific configs)
* (This change could break maps that used Game Config but is needed for future customization)
* (Re-exporting the map can fix most issues)
* Trigger에 Custom Value Storage 추가
* 이제 Trigger에서 Custom Value를 Action Value에 사용할 수 있음
* 3개의 새로운 Custom Value Trigger Event 추가: Value Equals, Less than, Greater than
* "Custom Value" Action Condition 추가
* 편집기에 "Advanced Triggers" Template 추가
* Added option to Clear Editor Backups
* Reset Mods 관련 문제 해결
* 편집기 백업 순서 수정

6.2. UPDATE 3.7.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-09
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* 서버 충돌 수정
* Class Config 관련 문제 해결

6.3. UPDATE 3.7.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-09
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* Trigger Action Custom Key 수정
* Class config에 Vehicle Movement Config 추가
* 이제 Limited 아이템을 Quicksell 할 수 있음
* Twitch tab now shows drops earned
* Drops can now be searched in market with keyword "drop" or "twitch"
* 근접무기 애니메이션 수성
* 이제 Test Mode는 Server Presets Config을 불러옴

6.4. UPDATE 3.7.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-15
* 스핀에 새로운 스킨/아이템 추가
* Trigger Delay 값에 소수점 지원 추가
* 사용하기 텍스트를 사용자 지정 텍스트로 변경할 수 있는 기능 추가
* Krunker News가 더 자주 업데이트됨
* Added Step Sound Frequency Slider to Class config in Editor
* Added Option to lock camera to character direction to Editor
* 이제 Boost Pads의 크기를 조절할 수 있음
* You now have 2 weeks to claim Twitch Drops in-game (After Twitch Campaign ends)
* 드롭스를 수령할 때 나오는 팝업 업데이트
* Class & Weapon Headers now update based on name changes in Editor
* Renamed Enable Rotation to "Rotate with Mouse" in Editor Camera Settings
* Vehicles의 속도 효과선 관련 문제 해결
* Class Config에 속도 효과선 임계점(Speed Lines Threshold) 추가
* Added Setting to not force mode specific classes
* Added Turn Threshold Value to Vehicle Config (Speed at which you can turn)
* Added Turn Conversion Setting to Vehicle Config (Turn Speed based on movement speed)
* 호스트 프리셋 로딩 문제 해결
* Class Config 슬라이더 수정
* 서버 탐색기에 지역 검색 관련 문제 해결
* 프로필에 Mods/Assets/Games 수 추가
* Trigger, Gate, Deposit Box에 Render faces 설정 추가
* Fixed Keep Team Score setting
* 이제 Custom Assets의 ID를 변경할 수 있음
* Official Custom에 Gungame 추가
* Official Custom에 Defuse & Race 제거 (For now)

6.5. UPDATE 3.7.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-18
* Free 스핀 추가
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* 펫 아이템 유형 추가
* Change Class Trigger 추가
* Added Skins that have a chance to drop from pub matches (Unique skin per map)
* Added Lock Y Rotation setting to Camera Options
* Added Step Sound Dynamic Setting (Changes based on Speed)
* 기본 Host menu 정리: Always show default settings by default
* Item Particles now show in the Viewer
* onHoldMouse Event가 멈추던 문제 해결
* 사용하기 메시지 수정
* 24/7 Gungame을 24/7 Party Modes로 변경 (Gungame, Sharp Shooter & One in the Chamber)
* Step Frequency의 최댓값을 10에서 20으로 증가
* Follow Camera를 사용할 때 Sound Direction관련 문제 해결

6.6. UPDATE 3.7.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-22
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* Official Trade Map에 Heroic 스핀 추가
* Custom Maps에 Spinner 오브젝트 추가
* 파티 모드 보상 관련 문제 해결
* 이제 충분한 맵/게임 플레이 수가 있으면 파트너 2단계에 지원할 수 있음
* 한정판 상점 오픈
* Camera Config에 Y Angle Limit Option옵션 추가
* 이제 Movement config는 테스트 모드에서 올바르게 작동함

6.7. UPDATE 3.7.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-26
* Free 스핀 추가
* 블랙 마켓에 신규 아이템 추가 (더 많은 아이템 추가 예정)
* Krunk TV에 Chatbox 추가
* 편집기 내 Asset에 Start Animation 옵션 추가
* Added Limit to Prize Wheels in Editor
* Asset에 렌더링을 강제하는 Always Render 속성 추가
* KR Zone 추가 (입장하기 위한 최소 KR 설정할 수 있음 (비용은 들지 않음))
* NOPVP Zone 추가 (이 zone에서는 다른 플레이어를 처치하거나 다른 플레이어에 의해 처치당할 수 없음)
* 프로필 & 처치 카드 스탯 옵션에 Sprays Placed 스탯 추가 (스탯은 커스텀에 적용되지 않음))
* Customize 메뉴 레이아웃 업데이트
* Profile Flag 업데이트
* Trade 게임모드에서 더 이상 HP 막대를 표시하지 않음
* Official Trade map의 FPS 최적화
* Increased time between Spin on Prize Wheels
* 파트너 2단계 Application Display 관련 문제 해결
* Official Trade Map configs 수정
* 인게임에서 Texture alignment 문제 해결

6.8. UPDATE 3.7.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-03-27
* Free 스핀 추가
* Nuke 순위표 추가 (1시간마다 업데이트됨)
* 모든 Weapon Config에 Burst Count & Burst Speed 추가
* Cylinder 오브젝트에 Sides 슬라이더 추가
* 프로필과 처치 카드에 Assist 스탯 추가
* 편집기 내 Class Config에 Custom Crosshair Image 옵션 추가
* Added Custom Chase Crosshair Image Option to Class Config
* 메모리 Cleanup 최적화
* Fixed FPS issues with Particles
* 프리미엄 사용자의 Asset 업로드 제한을 600으로 증가
* 텍스쳐 크기의 제한을 200kb에서 300KB로 증가
* 프로필 사진의 크기 제한을 150kb에서 250kb로 증가
* Black Market에 새로운 아이템 추가 (More soon)
* 연결 끊김 관련 문제 해결 (Specific Instance)
* Customize 버튼이 비 영어 언어에서 작동하지 않던 문제 해결
* Customize 창에 애니메이션이 있는 스프레이 미리보기 관련 문제 해결
* 버그 해결

6.9. UPDATE 3.7.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-02
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Several new Skins & Items to Spins
* Added Da Baby Gamemode[만우절]
* Shotgun의 피해량을 1000으로 증가[만우절]
* 편집기에 PVP Zone 추가 (Can fight other players while inside)
* Added Skins to Profile Creations Tab (Skin Makers)
* Added KR-Package killstreak (12 Killstreak - Chance of 1-10KR)
* (Be careful, other players can steal your KR Package)
* 8명의 KPD 추가
* Added Announcement for Game making Competition
* (The comp side of krunker will be seeing similar prize pools when the ranked overhaul is done)
* Added new Blackmarket Items
* Add ability to disable kill cam on maps
* Moved Class Button above Loadout in Customize Menu
* Clan War Contracts are now 3 Hours long
* 편집기의 화살표 방향 관련 문제 해결
* 약간의 FPS 최적화
* Fixed Multiple Crosshair Rendering issue with Custom Crosshairs
* Fixed GLTF Asset Positioning in-game
* (Maybe break some maps. Just reposition the objects in Editor)
* Fixed Open Ended Option for Cylinders
* Separated Progress Bar and Melee Charge Bar (Also added new setting)
* Cleaned up change class Action UI
* 편집기 내 Weapon Config에 ADS Spread 슬라이더 추가
* 편집기 내 Weapon Config에 Reload Y 슬라이더 추가
* 무기 Zoom 값의 최대를 5로 증가
* Added Move Spread Property to Weapon Config (How much movement affects spread)

6.10. UPDATE 3.7.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-02
* 서버 고침
* Map Competition 팝업을 다시 볼 수 있는 버튼 추가
* India 및 South America Discord 링크 수정
* Plane Collision 관련 문제 해결
* 텍스쳐 애니메이션 관련 문제 해결
* KR Drops의 Claim timer 약간 감소

7. 3.8.x

7.1. UPDATE 3.8.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-05
* Free 스핀 추가
* 여러 가지 새로운 언어 설정 추가: 프랑스어, 핀란드어, 중국어
* 여러 언어 번역 업데이트
* 2명의 KPD 추가
* 이제 KPD는 Call Log의 지역을 볼 수 있음
* 이제 KPD는 관전 UI에서 Caller를 볼 수 있음
* 프로필에 Market Listing 추가
* 각 Market Listing에 Share 버튼 추가
* Fixed !important override in CSS Mods
* 이제 CSS Mod는 더 많은 옵션을 가짐
* 편집기에 Disable Shoot while crouch 옵션 추가
* Fixed Projectile going through wall on client issue
* Afk Players now get Auto Kicked from Lobbies more Effectively
* "Set Interface Deposit Box Amount" Trigger Action 추가
* 편집기에 SaveLeader Trigger Action 추가 (Saves: Score, Time or Custom Value (Coming Soon))
* (SaveLeader Trigger will only work when Hosting a Game/Map on default settings (KR Rewards) set by the creator)
* Custom Map에 Leaderboard Object 추가: Score, Time ASC, Time DESC, Custom Val ASC, Custom Val DESC
* Increased Max Zoom value from 10 to 15
* Min Spread value is now lower
* Spread value now increments in decimals
* End Screen의 Objective Point 수정
* Fixed Negative Social count
* 희귀한 서버 충돌 수정
* FaceIT 진행 상황: 내부 테스트 마지막 주

7.2. UPDATE 3.8.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-09
* 2명의 KPD 추가
* Free 스핀 추가
* Twitch Drops 다시 추가
* Twitch Drops Info Page 업데이트 (https://krunker.io/twitch/info=1)
* 호스팅 간소화: Default Settings always selected by default (Replaced KR Rewards)
* KPD Payout 5KR에서 8KR로 증가
* Changed KR-Package Claim Button to Interact Key (G)
* 특정 언어에서 Comment 관련 문제 해결
* Send Message Action에 Delay 추가
* Added 2 More decimals for KDR display on profile
* Sharp Shooter 게임 모드에 Perk 추가
* QuickJoin button now forces Default Region
* Fixed Hub Listing UI issue
* Shotgun Mastery sound 수정
* Duplicate UI Button 추가
* Fixed a few rare crashes
* Player Count를 Trigger의 Condition으로 추가
* 새로운 GUI Element Type 추가 (in Editor): Div (Use Custom CSS & content: to change the styling etc of these)
* 잘못된 조작키 Naming 수정
* Can now Reset individual controls
* 조작키 이름이 undefined로 나타나던 문제 해결

7.3. UPDATE 3.8.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-16
* Free 스핀 추가
* 새로운 스프레이 추가
* 스핀에 여러 개의 스킨 & 아이템 추가
* Agent Mastery 추가
* 편집기에 Texture Scaling 추가
* 편집기 내 Weapon Config에 Projectile Option 추가
* Keep Team Score가 활성화되어 있을 때의 Objective Score 수정
* KR-Package Reward가 주어지지 않던 문제 해결
* KR-Package에서 받은 KR Reward를 보여주는 Chat Message 추가 (Also Shows in Medals)
* 일부 게임 모드에서 Weapon Model 문제 해결
* Custom Player Hitbox가 Collisions와 함께 작동하지 않던 문제 해결
* Sign 제한 40으로 증가

7.4. UPDATE 3.8.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-22
* Free 스핀 추가
* Map/Game Competition Submission 오픈 (6월 1일 종료)
* 편집기에서 Camera Position Object에 Static Option 추가 (Disable Spin in Menu)
* Object에 Penetrable Slider 추가: 0-1 (Including Cylinders)
* Marksman Mastery & Detective Mastery 추가
* onTimer trigger 문제 해결
* Trade History가 보이지 않던 문제 해결
* Fixed issue where you get timed out when in clan or partner page
* 허브 프로필의 Sprays Placed Text 수정
* KR Package Stat 추가
* 이제 Sniper Flap Animation을 비활성화할 수 있음
* Updated Mod zip (https://krunker.io/modzip/3.8.3)
* Killcard Class Icon are now affected by Custom Class Icons
* 99% of Settings are now changeable with mods
* 이제 Render Face가 Trigger와 함께 작동함
* Rotation in editor now supports 2 decimals (Rad & Deg)
* Can now disable Custom Player Models/Sprite in First Person ("Show First Person" in Class Config)
* 이제 Objective & Flag Marker는 Mod로 변경할 수 있음
* Added Change Primary & Secondary Weapon Trigger Actions
* 허브에 전체 스킨 목록 추가 (https://krunker.io/skins)
* 이제 Kick & Ban Chat Message는 빨간색으로 나타남
* Vote Kicks now only last for 1 hour
* Map/Game Page에 Leaderboard 추가


업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-22
* 로그인 문제 해결
고쳤다지만 로그인이 불가능하다 추가 패치 내용
업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-23
* 허브의 스킨 목록 관련 문제를 해결했습니다.
* 프로필의 Flag Button 문제를 해결했습니다.

7.6. UPDATE 3.8.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-04-29
* Free 스핀 추가
* 새로운 Limited Store 추가
* Opened Submissions for Map/Game competition: One Map Per Player
* 편집기에서 Rotation Input 관련 문제 해결
* Optimized Map/Mod Recent
* Made GUI Element Dropdowns more visible in Editor UI
* 이제 Comp Host Settings에서 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4을 고를 수 있음
* GUI Type을 "Custom Value (Text)"에서 "Global Value (Text)"로 변경
* Set & Inc/Dec Global Value Trigger Action 추가
* Can now link Custom Values and Global Values to DIV GUI object
* 이제 특정 Trigger Action에서 Global, Trigger & Player Value를 사용할 수 있음
* 이제 Global Value를 Condition으로 사용할 수 있음
* data-text attribute is now set on Custom Divs. Allows for: #custUI1 > div[text>"value"]
* (If You used a Custom Key in a Trigger Before this update, Change "Value Type" to "Trigger Value")
* Increased max values for certain player configs: speed X etc
* 섬네일 등의 파일 크기 제한 완화: 250KB Normal, 500KB Premium
* Fixed Settings Mods
* 'Force Nametags' 버튼을 N에서 M으로 변경
* Fixed Asset Preview Y Off and Asset Preview Scale not working
* Time Scale Setting 제거
* Skin List에 Item Count 추가
* Fixed issue when searching "Cyberdragon" in inventory
* You can now unfollow Users from Hub Profile followers list
* Fixed Leaderboard not loading
* Game Page Re-Design (New Categories)
* Mod Page Design/Layout 약간 업데이트

7.7. UPDATE 3.8.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-04
* Free 스핀 추가
* Added Warmup/Class screen to Comp Servers as Test Mode (Class Limits etc is WIP)
* (Secondary Picking, Settings Button & Login coming next update)
* Fixed invis wall on Undergrowth
* 이제 Weapon Y Offset의 기본은 1.2임
* Gui Element 또는 Div를 보이기/숨기기 하는 Trigger Action 추가
* 이제 희귀한 확률로 RGB KR Package가 드롭됨: 100 KR
* Class Config에 Backwards Sliding Option 추가
* Added Free Range Sliding Option to Class Config (Slide in 8 directions)
* Added onGameStart & onObjectiveSwitch Trigger Events
* Stop Sound Trigger Action 추가
* Map Comp Popup에 Submission 버튼 추가
* Host Menu Design 약간 업데이트
* Games Home Page now randomizes category & map order
* Comp Popup & Design 업데이트
* Fixed Popular Maps Tab randomizing positions
* Middle East Scrim Server 링크 수정
* Change Class Trigger 관련 문제 해결
* Can now determine the type of data save you want to use when using Save Leader trigger
* Updated ESports Menu Window/Popup
* Pathing is now Reset on AI Death
* Unfavoriting Maps & Mods 수정
* Fixed Giveaway Posts not working
* Fixed Cylinder Hitbox issue when using non-default player hitbox size
* Fixed issue with Posting to Hub Feed
* Fixed issue with Billboards
* Slightly adjusted Game Popup position
* Sign 제한을 60으로 완화
* Interface ID 제한을 2000으로 완화
* Inactivity Kick Timer 증가
* AK의 Firerate 약간 증가
* Limited SMG, UZI & Blaster Jumps to 2 consecutive
* 이제 Class Config에서 Walljump Max Count를 설정할 수 있음

7.8. UPDATE 3.8.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-09
* Free 스핀 추가
* Updated Site Layout: Site+ (Thanks to AceInTransit)
* 4명의 KPD 추가
* Added Proxies to Play Krunker where its Blocked: browserfps.com
* (More Regions will be supported soon)
* Added Several new Skins & Items to Spins
* Added Several new Language Settings: Dutch, Polish, Hindi & Russian
* Updated Several Language Translations
* Updated Comp Warmup Screen Design
* Can now Change several Render Settings for your Map/Game in Editor:
* (ToneMapping, Gamma, Exposure, Output Encoding)
* Fixed Hub profile stats displaying wrong
* Fixed Rubberbanding issue on spawn in comp matches
* Can now use Text & Voice Chat during Comp Warmup
* Added Music to Comp Warmup
* Slight Changes to Chat UI
* Added Rounds Option to Host Settings: Switches Side Each Round
* (WIP - Needs to be fixed for Defuse & CTF)
* Fixed Class & profile Pictures on Comp UI
* Fixed UI scale issue with Comp warmup screen
* Updated GUI value type logic: can now use keys for all types
* (You may have to update your Custom GUI to fix it)
* Updated Steam Button in Hub
* Added some extra UI/Hud sounds
* Fixed issue with Leader Values being overwritten
* Legacy Browser is now Default Again (working on an alternative)
* Updated Start Server Button Look
* Fixed issue with Mod Settings due to spacing
* Increased GUI Element limit (Normal: 20 -> 40, Verified: 40 -> 80)
* Added Spectate button to comp warmup screen
* Added Settings button to comp warmup screen
* Updated all menu windows to new dark theme (WIP)
* Updated Settings menu Look/Design a bit
* Updated Free KR Popup Look/Design
* Fixed earnings display in Partner Tab not showing earnings
* Fixed issue when switching from Third Person to First Person config
* Added Countdown timer sounds to Warmup
* Added Country Flags to Comp Warmup screen
* Added Projectile Asset option to Weapon Config
* Increased max Interface target value to 2000
* Added Server Browser Link to Disconnect Screen/Popup
* Clicking find new game now redirects to the game type that you tried to join

7.9. UPDATE 3.8.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-12
* Added more Brazil Servers
* Added new Free Spin
* Added new Background to Limited Shop Screen when its not Active
* Added 6 new KPD Officers
* Added more Host Options to Comp Hosting (For Testing)
* Fixed issue with Custom Textures not Loading
* Fixed some issues with Light-Baking
* Fixed Purchase Popup Position
* Default Comp Preset is now 2 rounds of 6 minutes & 1:30 Point Time (Testing Variants each update)
* Excess damage no longer Counts to stats
* Free KR popup is now hidden when clicking the claim button
* Asset Y-Offset now uses 2 decimal places again
* Can no longer see enemy team class choices in Comp Lobby/Menu
* Added Animation to Round Over Screen
* Added Team Chat Option for Text/Voice Chat
* Added Invite Button to Comp Menu Screen
* Added Letters to Site Icons on Hardpoint
* Added Intermission Timer Setting (For Round based Games)
* Can now only switch classes during intermission in Comp (Testing)
* Menu is now re-opened between rounds
* Added Limit Classes setting to Comp Servers
* Fixed Flag & KR Tag pickup when in the air (Kanji Boost Pad)
* Flags now reset after not being touched for 45 seconds

7.10. UPDATE 3.8.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-13
* Fixed Secondary not working on Comp Mode (Secondary Issue)
* Fixed Editor Freeze Issue when adding GUI element
* Fixed issue where clicking Map Icon on Server browser opens Official Customs tab
* Added more Middle East Servers
* Added Join Game Button to Comp Menu
* Fixed issue where you can't spawn in when joining back to Comp Match
* Spectator can now see both Teams Class choices in Comp
* Added Hover & Click Sounds to Server Browser

7.11. UPDATE 3.8.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-14
* Added new Free Spin
* Fixed Game not loading on Safari/Ipads etc
* Disabled Custom Skin Colors in Comp Mode
* Increased AI max move speed value
* Join Team Buttons now Toggle: Join/Leave Team in Comp Mode
* Added ability to Favorite Skins/Items (Random Skin cycles through Favorites)
* Slight Editor FPS Improvements
* Can now Post Youtube Video links on Hub (Also in Giveaway Posts)
* Bowman & Vince now require you to be logged in
* Fixed menu getting stuck in Comp Intermission
* Added new Test Secondary (Customs Only - Work in Prog): Grappler

8. 3.9.x

8.1. UPDATE 3.9.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-15
* Added new Free Spin
* Renamed Spectate Cam to Camera in the Editor Editor
* Added Camera Type setting to Camera Object in Editor (WIP)
* Updates to FaceIT backend
* Added Sound & Animation to Grapple Hook (WIP Still)
* Fixed Grappler Secondary Momentum & Movement (WIP)
* There may be some issues with Grappler still (Its WIP)
* Fixed AI Speed Max to actually be 10
* Can now choose Player or Global for GUI Element hide/show Events
* Fixed Steam Client Issues
* Fixed missing decimal on Hub Profile Stats
* Added HiddenClasses DIV to Menu: menuClassPIcker+classIndex (Css Makers)

8.2. UPDATE 3.9.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-18
* Added new Free Spin
* Updated Partner Window Layout a Bit
* Fixed Issue with Vehicle Movement Config
* Referral System Overhaul (Also increased Referral Code payouts to 0.04 USD per Hour)
* Fix issue with Glitch when grapple behind object
* Renamed Advertise Button on Menu to Business
* Updated Advertise Popup Layout a bit
* Can now see other players grapples
* Fixed grapple positioning
* Added Home Tab to Mod Window (WIP)
* More Votes now needed to Kick Players
* Added Can Grapple Option to Objects
* Grapple is now removed when teleported
* Added Class override for Mobile only CSS (#uiBase .isMobile .DIVID {})
* Added Mobile Friendly Button to Publish Popup
* Updated Look/Design of Map Publish Popup
* Fixed Favorite Button on Hub Mods & Maps
* Nametags will now crop super long names
* Fixed Spawn Point Team only Option not Exporting issue
* Fixed Asset/Sounds ID Input not Updating sometimes

8.3. UPDATE 3.9.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-20
* Can now gift Premium to other players (Requires Lvl 30)
* Updated Partner Dashboard Layout a bit
* Fixed Issue with Spins not working sometimes
* Added Dashboard Link to My Games Tab
* Added Basic Gameplay Stats to Partner Dashboard
* Added Spray selection wheel for premium users (Hold Spray Key, Scroll to Cycle)
* Premium users can now place 2 sprays at once (Premium with Verification is 3)
* Fixed some Spawn Issues on Site
* Fixed where Free Spin doesn't update after using it
* Can now use classIndex as Key in Player value triggers
* Added Grapple Rope & Bullet Trail Color settings

8.4. UPDATE 3.9.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-25
* At the end of this month all Creator Code Rev shares will be increased to 25%
* Added new KPD Officers
* Added new Free Spin
* Added editor button to Games popup
* Added Grappler to Premium Zone in Trade Hub
* Fixed issue where you get stuck in menu in comp warmup
* Added No Draws setting to Comp Mode
* Added Video Background to Ranked Menu
* Added KR Sales Icon to Menu
* Added Falldamage & Falldamage Threshold Setting to World Physics Config
* Can now Call KPD in ranked matches (Prioritized)
* Added SaveData & LoadData Trigger Actions (Map Data Storage) (SaveData Replaces Save leader)
* (To save score or time use Player Values as Value Type then input score or time into Data Name)
* Added Ability to Delete/Search Data Storage on your Maps/Games
* Sharing a Game/Map now also includes the Creators Ref Code if they have one
* Updated Several Language Translations
* Fixed issue with Creator Code input
* Fixed issue with Profile Picture uploading
* Fixed issue where score value doesnt update on UI when setting to 0 from Trigger Action
* Fixed issue where you cant click on skin maker name on Item Page
* Skin makers can now use the skins they created in-game (non-tradable)

8.5. UPDATE 3.9.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-05-31
* Added new Map: SkyTemple (Test)
* Added Test Hitreg Setting to Network Settings (Testing new Algo Changes)
* Added a few new Default Textures
* Updated Account Terms
* Can now Create Leaderboard Object with Custom Values
* Fixed Animated Images for Spray Wheel
* Added Scroll Icon to Spray Wheel
* Model Scale now accepts up to 2 decimals
* Can now add Rotation Animation to Default Models
* Added Model variant Support to Editor
* Added Texture variant Support to Editor
* Renamed some textures in the editor (Still uses the old filename) (Wall -> Stone, Floor -> Wood)
* Added New Gate, Interact Trigger & Weapon pickup Requirement options
* Added Theta Length setting to Light Cones
* Added Radius Top & Bottom to Cylinders
* Added Partner Zone to the Editor
* Added "Model & Asset Boundingbox" toggle to the Editor (Works like the Lightcone setting)
* Added UI Button for Toggling Snapping in the Editor
* Input/Show rotation in degrees instead of radians in the Editor (With Anti Radians enabled)
* Fixed issue with Skin Makers not being able to use Sprays they created
* Fixed "My Assets" in the Editor
* Shader Mod settings no longer reset every map change
* Delete Follower no longer shows up for other profiles
* Added More Keybinds
* Fixed Trigger Delay importing not supporting below 1

8.6. UPDATE 3.9.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-06-01
* Added new Free Spin
* Added more limited items
* Slight Adjustments to SkyTemple map
* Fixed CTF on SkyTemple
* FaceIT Servers now use 64 Tick (Testing)
* Added Per Weapon Option to View Model Settings & Gameplay Settings
* Fixed Texture Offset Slider in the Editor
* Fixed issue with Scroll Wheel binding
* Added AlphaTest setting to Assets in the Editor
* Twitch Unlinking enabled temporarily

8.7. UPDATE 3.9.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-06-04
* Extended Map Competition to June 25 as many teams are behind (Final Extension)
* Twitch Drops now active!
* Added FaceIT Sendrate Config
* Networking Optimizations
* Improvements to Net-Code & Hitreg (Hitbox fix soon)
* Adjustments to Interpolation
* 0 is no longer returned for Custom Leaderboards

8.8. UPDATE 3.9.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-06-05
* Added new Payment Methods
* Added more Korea Servers
* Added onPlayerDamage Trigger Event
* Added Best of Setting to Comp Servers (WIP)
* Can now set Ads Power to 0 in Settings
* Adjusted Hitboxes on Comp Servers
* Server Fixes
* Fixed Melee Icons from Twitch Drops
* Fixed Drop Helmet Item Animation

8.9. UPDATE 3.9.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-06-07
* Added new Free Spin
* Server Optimizations
* Fixed AI movement issues
* Fixed issues with new Payment Methods
* Fixed issue with pets disappearing after picking up a weapon

8.10. UPDATE 3.9.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-06-18
(Initial Scripting release next update!)
* Added Charity Drop items
* Added Names list of Previous charity event
* Added Documentation Button to Editor Popup
* Increased data length for My Assets list
* Shader Mods can now stack and be toggled
* Fixed issue with Ocean not working with different ToneMapping & OutputEncoding
* Added Player has Account, Player has Premium, Player is Verified & Player is Partner Trigger Conditions
* Added 'Can Hipfire' setting to Class Config
* Added 'Can Crouch' setting to Class Config
* Added 'Mid Air Shooting' setting to Class Config
* Added Ids to EndTable Headers
* Added Displacement, Roughness, Metalness & Bump maps to Asset Uploading
* Added Outline Color & Thickness to Signs
* Fixed Assets & Models turning black on High or Physical lighting
* Fixed in-game Rotation for Leaderboards, Signs, Runes, Light Bars & Billboards (Exactly how it looks in the Editor)
* Fixed issue with Projectile weapons being hitscan
* Fixed missing mode issue when hosting maps

9. 4.0.x

9.1. UPDATE 4.0.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-01
* Added new Free Spin
* Initial Scripting release (Work in Progress - Some features are limited)
* (If you find any issues with scripting, report them to the scripting channel in MMOK or join this https://discord.gg/KudrwJdvNf)
* Map Competition submissions closed (We are reviewing all submissions)
* Added Map Competition Tab to Games List
* Fixed issue with map publishing not working for some people
* Cleaned up Editor Docs a bit
* Added Decline All button to Clan Requests
* Added 'Hide Non-Tradable Skins' setting
* Overhauled Twitch Linking & Unlinking
* (You can now only relink to a previously linked account)
* (Changing Twitch Password or Username will require you to unlink then relink)
* Fixed issue with Entry to Heaven skin not appearing in spins
* Fixed Scrolling on spin items
* Adjusted Item Showcase Rotation speed
* Fixed in-game Visual Rotation for Planes (Exactly how it looks in the Editor)
* Minor Optimization & Visual Changes to Interact messages
* Allowed More Characters in Editor GUI's (Not length)
* Added Sprite object to the Editor (Always faces camera)
* Added Mimic Sprite option to Leaderboards, Signs, Runes, Light Bars, Billboards & Planes
* AI Projectiles now support GLTF's
* Fixed Weapon & Class config on Auto Hosted games
* Added Static Rendering Experimental setting (Please report performance differences if any)
* Minor Visual changes to Inbox
* Added Scripting Font Size setting to the Editor
* Updated Krunker Bunker Discord Invite
* Fixed Lives counter icon size
* Possible 200 DMG/healing Bug fix (we are still monitoring this)
* Fixed issue with Custom GUI elements showing while in menu
* Editor now forces Backup when closing tab/window (If AutoBackups is enabled)
* Errors from Hosting Games are now more detailed

9.2. UPDATE 4.0.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-02
* Fixed GAME.log on KrunkScript
* Removed Game Competition Popup
* Fixed GUI Host Limit issue
* Fixed Discord Invite Link
* Added Canvas Overlay Offset & Scale Functions to KrunkScript
* Added several functions to UTILS (toLower, toUpper, RGBtoHEX, HEXtoRGB)
* Added several functions to MATH (hypot, sqrt, min, max, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, trunc)
* Added several properties to players (onWall, onGround, velocity.z)
* Added KrunkScript support for break; and continue; in loops

9.3. UPDATE 4.0.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-03
* Added new Free Spin
* Updated .io Template Example
* Fixed Validate Script issues
* Server Fixes
* Fixed issue where client scripts continue when game is rehosted
* Fixed OVERLAY.getSize not returning any values
* Added remaining ranked items to list
* Fixed Map Publishing issue

9.4. UPDATE 4.0.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-06
(We know content updates have been slow, but we are making good progress on faceIT)
* Added new Free Spin
* Asset ID now shows in Assets list display
* Fixed issue where burg shows in test mode without scripts
* Added GAME.TIME.freeze(); action to KrunkScript
* Added onPlayerLeave Hook to server script
* Added GAME.INPUTS.disableDefault(); action to KrunkScript
* Fixed GAME.SCENE.clear();
* Fixed GAME.SCENE.addAsset(); not working
* Switched GAME.PLAYERS.findBySID to findByID
* Switched onNetworkMessage parameter from playerSID to playerID
* Added basic AI Scripting Support & Docs
* Fixed AI Limit issue: Dead AIs no longer count to the limit
* Added basic Animation & Clip support to KrunkScript + Docs: object.playAnim("Idle");
* Added more information to docs in regards to key inputs & keycodes
* Adding semi-colons after if statements and loops is no longer required
* Added Extended Property Support to Objects in KrunkScript: Double Sided Materials etc
* Fixed stuck inputs when use GAME.unlockMouse
* Object & GUI Limits are no longer based on the host When hosting Published maps
* Fixed GAME.CHAT.send
* Added GAME.PLATFORM.isMobile(), GAME.PLATFORM.isBrowser(), GAME.PLATFORM.isClient()
* Added GAME.SCENE.setAmbientLight() & GAME.SCENE.setSkyLight();
* Added GAME.CAMERA.attach()
* Added object.move & object.rotate functions
* Added object.delete function (removes object from scene)
* Added Math.atan2 support
* Syntax Errors are now highlighted in KrunkScript Editor
* All Errors are now shown in Error Popup in KrunkScript
* KrunkScript auto complete now includes parameters


업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-06
* Fixed South Africa, Middle East & Brazil servers
* Added Keycode to onKeyPress, onKeyUp & onKeyHeld

9.6. UPDATE 4.0.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-08
* Added new Free Spin
* Fixed Loop timed out issue in KrunkScript
* Fixed toNum not working
* Sprites no longer count as collidable objects
* GLTF & FBX Assets now support Color & Opacity
* Added GAME.SCENE.setSkyColor() & GAME.SCENE.setSkyDome();
* Added rotation.z support for 3D Objects
* Added playAnim Support to AI Objects in KrunkScript
* Added truncateTxt function to KrunkScript
* Added lookAt function to 3D objects in KrunkScript (Rotates object to face point)
* Added Flashlight KrunkScript template/example
* Another Possible 200 DMG/healing Bug fix (Please report if it happens again)
* Changed GAME.AIS to GAME.AI

9.7. UPDATE 4.0.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-09
* Fixed Spawn direction issue
* Fixed issue with if statements in KrunkScript
* Sound object is now returned from SOUND.play functions in KrunkScript
* Can now change sound volume etc in KrunkScript: sound.volume = 0.2;
* KrunkScript has been disabled for the time being

9.8. UPDATE 4.0.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-10
* Fixed Hardpoint, King of the Hill & Comp Hardpoint
* Fixed Spectating issue
* Fixed issue with HardPoint not working
* Added new Rotation Map: Lagoon
* Added new Comp Map (Layout Test): Villa
* FaceIT Backend Progress

9.9. UPDATE 4.0.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-13
* Added new Free Spin
* Fixed issue with Direct Impact Projectiles
* Restricted certain modes to certain maps in pubs (CTF specific maps in the works)
* Added new Gamemode: Domination
* You can now scroll Messages on Trades
* Fixed mod searching on Social
* Shift clicking to create a new Object will now copy the current selected Objects size & position for the new Object

9.10. UPDATE 4.0.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-17
(Scripting will return very soon)
* Added Home Tab to Hub Games page
* Game Page Hub CSS Changes
* Changed Sydney server provider
* Cleaned up Host menu UI a bit
* Updated Market & Trading UI a bit in HUB
* Updated Challenge window a bit
* Add Play Now Button to Social Games Page
* Clicking a Game on Social Hub list now opens new tab
* Added KR to Domination Leaderboard
* Fixed Damage on Teams 3-5

9.11. UPDATE 4.0.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-18
(We are looking into the Server issues. FaceIT is in final stages of testing)
(KPD System is being overhauled as well)
* Added new Free Spin
* Updated Villa Layout a bit
* Added Extensive Server Logging to Help fix the server lag & rubberbanding
* Fixed Profile Link on Games Page
* Can now see KR on My Games Page again
* Added Twitter Share button to Games Pages
* Added Featured Creator showcase to Games List
* Added Category Cards to Games List on Hub
* Added Spawn Spread to Spawnpoints in the editor
* Trade history is now limited to 100 at a time (Can load more)

이 업데이트부터 개발자 Sidney가 업데이트에 대한 공지사항을 작성하기 시작했다.
Hey guys, so its been a while since i've posted any updates here. Just want to let you know what we are working on at the moment and what's on the horizon.

Firstly, we are aware of the server issues and are looking into it ASAP. Considering upgrading all the machines if necessary. FaceIT will go into Beta very soon and this has to be addressed before then.

Secondly, the lack of content has been for a number of reasons. The dev team is spread between working on season 5, scripting and maintaining the game. Scripting & Mapping features may not seem important to a lot of you, but I believe in the long-term, it will drastically improve Krunker and provide a ton more customization options and custom games for people to enjoy. Once that's out and polished (Very soon TM), our whole focus will be directed at the Core Krunker Experience and all things that come with it: Daily Challenges, Proper Friend System, New Maps, New Modes, Clan Rework, Permanent Raid Mode & More

The hacker situation is always on our radar of course. We are currently overhauling the KPD system to provide the KPD with better tools to detect and combat the hackers. We are also streamlining the KPD application process so more players can join the KPD ranks (with limited powers to begin with). FaceIT (at higher ranks) and all future tourneys will feature an Anti Cheat client that must be used in order to participate.
We are also working on improving the way Pubs are populated, where players that sit in the menu no longer fill up the lobbies and you get a game that seems full but only has 3-4 active players in it.

We now have a dedicated Discord server for the creation & testing of new rotation maps. There are several really promising maps in the works on there that should be coming out very soon.

On a personal note, I understand your grievances with the game. But I strongly believe the changes we are working on will make for a much better experience in the long run. It is difficult to try to balance all the different parts of the community; mapping, comp, pub stompers, casual players, content creators etc. But we will get there. My vision for Krunker is that we can have an online platform where anyone can create or play games with their friends and also have a thriving comp scene and solid core FPS experience.

I apologize for the lack of communication and my personal absence in the community. I know we can get the game to the best state its ever been in within the next 2-3 months. And I suck at ETAs so i'm scared to give any precise dates for any of the things I talked about. But just know we are working hard on it.

Appreciate all you guys,
@everyone soz for le ping
Also noon will be giving away a contra or unob every week that was taken from a hackertagged account. So check out the twitter, reddit etc for those 😘

10. 4.1.x

10.1. UPDATE 4.1.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-21
(Balance changes coming next update)
* Added new Free Spin
* Changes to Freight Layout
* Changes to Lagoon
* Changes to KPD Application Process: Open KPD menu to see
* Adjusted Trade Popup UI
* Added Setting Preset buttons to settings menu
* Added more Server Checks to Find cause of Rubberbanding (Fix is WIP)
* Added New Map/Game Category: Single-Player
* Improvements to IP ban system
* Custom Games with custom CSS now load without showing Krunker UI
* Trade history is now hidden by default
* Added Tagalog, Italian & Traditional Chinese languages
* Updates to Portuguese, Hindi & French languages
* Added more extensive Gameplay Privacy Options
* Slight menu UI changes
The KPD system is getting an overhaul in the next update (after todays one). And we will put more restrictions on Guests. Guests will be able to be banned as well and kicked more easily from lobbies. The kick system overall will see some changes as well.

Also something I didn't mention in my last post: Balancing changes are coming as well; specifically for the crossbow, sniper, uzi and revolver.

Todays update cleaned a few things up, and added more reporting to servers so we can find the cause of the lag spikes quicker.

EDIT: If you are having issues with updating your client. Do the following:
After client fails to update to 2.1.2:
Press Windows Key & R
Run window will popup
Input %LOCALAPPDATA%\io.krunker.desktop-updater\pending\Official Krunker.io Client Setup 2.1.2.exe
and hit ok and follow the installation

10.2. UPDATE 4.1.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-24
* Added new Free Spin
* Added Changelog/What's New Popup with more info on updates

\*Balancing & Meta
* Increased UZI Clip size to 24
* Agent & Trooper can now walljump 3 times instead of 2
* Increased Sniper reload time from 1500ms to 1700ms
* Slightly reduced Hunter movement speed
* Adjusted Semi Damage Stats: Head: 51 Body: 35 Legs: 19
* Crossbow now Charges the shot when ADS (Full charge = full damage)
* Slightly reduced LMG Pullout time from 700ms to 600ms
* Added overcharge to Throwing Knife & Crossbow charge
* Increased knife charge time from 800ms to 900ms
* Added overcharge color setting

\*KPD & Anti Cheat
* KPD Can now be called on Guests
* Added Tier System to KPD: Deputy, Marshal etc (More KPD will be able to respond)
* Guests can now be kicked more easily from a lobby
* Restricted more classes for guest users

* Adjusted Default Settings
* Added toggle ADS setting
* Added Focus Player setting (Spectating - useful for KPD)
* Fixed Aim X & Y Sensitivity when aiming with keyboard inputs

\*UI & Menus
* Updated loading animation
* Fixed Tabs CSS in Item page on HUB
* Darkened Hub Background
* Fixed clan page CSS
* Fixed KPD Call Popup CSS

\* Map Changes
* Fixed out of bounds spots on Undergrowth

* Server Optimizations (We are still looking for the Rubberband/Freeze issue)
* Improved AI Hitboxes when they are moving (WIP)
Oopsies double ping.... my bad hehehehe

Hey guys and gals,

As you can see, todays update brings a few balance changes. Let us know what you think of them. I check reddit and discord suggestions every day. The changes to sniper are more difficult to get right as its one of the core classes of the game. Making changes that are too drastic might make it less fun to play.

We have also made some improvements to the KPD system. Of course the system is far from perfect, but its a step in the right direction. The KPD now has tiers. Meaning that you have a better chance of becoming a KPD moderator. Each tier has different perms. You can now also call the KPD on hacking guests, which means they can be IP banned too now (this was added based off a suggestion on reddit, so keep those coming). Give these changes a day or so to take effect, as a lot of new KPD officers are still being selected.

In an effort to improve communication we've added a popup to show all the changes in each update, and I will do a post like this for each update as well. I would also like to do Community Game nights in Krunker Bunker every 1-2 weeks. Where we can all be in a VC together and play customs and talk about whatever you guys want.

The Game/Mapping competition is still being rated (over 400 submissions to go over). Once we've narrowed it down to the top 30 Games/Maps, we will run a live stream to show off the Games and announce the winners.

The Krunker mobile app is getting a big overhaul too; merging the hub app and the client into a single app, with an entirely new UI. Published custom games can also be tagged as mobile friendly so they appear on the new apps home page.

FaceIT is making good progress and will launch its Beta very soon. The only things left for us to do is testing and cleaning up some internal stuff like: Ranked Shop, Anti Cheat Client

If you don't like the changes or additions made in this update. Please let us know. The complaints used to get to me a lot, but I think the only way forward is for me to not take it personally and understand that its for the best of the game.

Aight, peace out cya in the next update
Blaster will be fixed next update lul

10.3. UPDATE 4.1.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-24
* Added new Free Spin

* Added Chargable Weapons setting to Host Settings
* Added Overchargable config value to weapon config

* Fixed Blaster damage bug
* Fixed Votekick issues/bug
We are aware of the issues with Korea & South Africa servers. Will be fixed ASAP

10.4. UPDATE 4.1.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-24
\* General
* Fixed Krunker South Korea region: New provider
* Added Recently Updated category to games list
* Small Server Optimizations

\* Social & Community
* Updated Home Page content creator list

\*Balancing & Meta
* Reduced Revolver firerate from 400ms to 500ms between shots
Some of you may be upset about changes/nerfs to your favourite class. But changes are needed to get the game into a state where all classes are on equal footing. The changes may not be perfect at first, but with your feedback we can make adjustments. Crossbow was much too OP in its previous state and needed drastic changes. However we are open to suggestions of course.

South Korea & Africa servers should be fixed after the update.

10.5. UPDATE 4.1.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-07-29
\* General Fixes
* Fixed issue where loading Followers can result in a crash
* Fixed red plus KR button opening wrong popup
* Fixed bug with AI meshes
* Fixed loading screen issue with password protected lobbies

\* KrunkScript
* KrunkScript is back (Networking & Server disabled till next update)
* Added += and -= support
* Added bitwise operators ~ << >> >>> & | ^
* Added power operator **
* Added hex num support 0xAB
* Added standard form support 1e+3, 1e-3
* Added shadows: true/false option to lights KrunkScript

\* KPD & Anticheat
* Added 20 new Deputy Officers
* Can now see KPD rank in KPD menu
* Fixed Deputy not having KPD Perms

\* Games, Maps & Mods
* Added new Category to Game Page: Games your Friends like
* Added new Category to Mod Page: Mods your Friends like
* Corrected flipped Billboard on Kanji

\* Social & Friends
* Added Friends button to Hub chat view (WIP)
* Can now see Online status of your Friends (WIP - status soon)
* (You are considered online while on: Hub, Editor, Game)
* Added Friends Tab to Profile menu in-game (WIP)
* Can now click following/followers buttons on Hub to view

\* UI & CSS
* Updated Hub Feed tabs
* Adjusted Market Width
* Fixed Clan page CSS
* Adjusted in-game Trade Search box
* Converted Followers & Following popup to Darkmode
* Slight changes to Inbox UI
* Added Image backgrounds to game categories on hub
* Added Game categories list to Game Page in-game
* Hub logo now links back to Krunker main menu
* Added Focus to Spectator UI

\* Weapons & Gameplay
* Adjusted Rev firerate to 450ms (From 500ms between shots)
* Toggle Ads now cancels on weapon swap
* Added Keybind to Hide other players (Useful in Parkour & Race)
* Increased bowman Health to 100 again

\* FaceIT & Ranked
* Progress on unlocks system
* Finalized Endpoints

\* Other
* Added more loading tips/info
* Can now Sort/Search Inventory, Market & Trade by Skin Creators name
* Updates to Spanish, Japanese & French language.
Todays update brings a few changes to social features. We've added online status. While this feature is quite basic right now, we will expand on it in the coming updates. Status will soon show like: Playing Zombies_Infect, Playing ffa_burg, Editing a Map, Trading and more. You will be able to turn this off in your privacy settings in the coming updates. In an effort to add more variety to the Game/Map/Mod home pages, you can now see which Mods/Maps your friends are liking.

This feature will also allow you to invite friends, initiate trades and chat with them, more seamlessly.

Servers are still being looked at. We are working on a fix. Its not a simple fix, so its taking some time.

We have also re-enabled KrunkScript. We are still making changes to the server side so that will be re-enabled next update.

Some minor balance changes have also been made. The crossbow, sniper and revolver are still a work in progress as far as balance is concerned. So please be patient with us there.

We've added 20 new Deputy officers and are still reviewing the applications. The KPD overhaul & roles is still in progress. KPD Badges etc are being worked on too.

Check the changelogs for more info on the update.

- More updates soon

10.6. UPDATE 4.1.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-04
\* KrunkScript
* Enabled Server Side & Networking on KrunkScript
* Can now get player.classIndex from a player object (Which class player is)
* Fixed offset issues with drawImage
* Added ability to get/set Camera position/rotation: GAME.CAMERA.position.x etc
* Added ability to attach 3D objects to player and other objects (Camera soon TM)

\* Weapons & Balancing
* Slight decrease to Sniper firerate from 900ms between shots to 920ms
* Changed Rocket Launcher pullout time from 400ms to 350ms

\* Settings & Accounts
* Added account setting to hide detailed online status (Basic online info still shows)
* Premium Name is no-longer displayed when Premium badge is disabled

\* Items & Market
* Added inventory value leaderboard (Estimates)
* Added inventory value as killcard Stat option
* Added inventory value stat to profile: Hub & Game
* Estimated item value now shows as "Unknown" instead of 0

\* UI & CSS
* Updated store CSS a bit
* Updated Hub background (Less distracting)
* Fixed clan page CSS
* Updated Esports menu a bit
* Updated online status CSS in hub
* Updated Ingame Profile Stats to match the Hub
* Adjusted/Fixed level display on main menu
* Added badges and Clans to nuke leaderboard
* Added Editor button to Hub UI
* Added follow back button to follow notifications
* Added Item Count to Sprays

\* Social & Friends
* Added Friend box to top left in menu
* Online status now shows when hovering on a player in hub
* Added more info to online status: (in-game, On the Hub, Making Maps)
* Fixed remove friend option in-game
* Added Join Button to Friends pages

\* Maps, Games & Mods
* Added Raid category to categories list
* Servers & Optimizations
* Slight server optimization: Map Gen

\* Editor
* Updated UI & CSS documentation
* "Show first person" config now also works for default player (Not Only Asset)

\* KPD & Anticheat
* KPD Badges delayed till next update
* Lvl 15 and up can now call the KPD
* You can make more calls per day to KPD depending on your trust level

\* Other
* Fixed issue with Custom Projectile damage not working as intended
* Fixed issue where player is still able to shoot up while Y axis is locked
* Fixed issue with Uploading a Profile pic
Todays update brings a small change to sniper fire-rate. We are being quite careful with balancing this class, cause we know its very popular. So just bear with us & give us more feedback.

We have also brought back KrunkScript fully now. So you can send network messages and utilize the server script as before.

We have identified some of the causes for rubber-banding and server issues. So we are working on fixing those up over the next few updates. Once those issues are resolved, we can increase tickrate on pub servers as well.

FaceIT is getting very close, some of the issues we are working on are hard to estimate time wise. I know its been a long time coming but it really is getting there. And at the end of the day, we don't want to put something incomplete out the door.

The new KPD officers we have added are doing a really good job so far and have helped a lot. We will continue to monitor their performance.

Sorry for the short update post today, but we have lots to do.

10.7. UPDATE 4.1.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-06
\* Other
* Added new Free Spin

\* KrunkScript
* Can now attach 3D objects to Camera
* Added GAME.UI.getDIVText
* Added GAME.INPUTS.enableDefault
* Fixed issue with GAME.UI.updateDIVText & empty text

\* Editor
* Update Editor Home Popup slightly

\* UI & CSS
* Update in-game XP bar css
* Added join friend button to Chat window on Hub
* Updated Featured Games panel in menu
* Updated Menu buttons
* Slight menu CSS changes
* Fixed CSS loading issues with Mods

\* Servers & Optimizations
* Optimized server memory a bit

\* FaceIT & Ranked
* Progress on api
We are gonna spend the next 2-3 updates working on optimizations for the servers and FPS. We have identified some issues with the servers so those should be getting fixed over the next update.

That should help with rubber-banding and hitreg. If all else fails we will upgrade servers again. It will cost more but most likely resolve the problem.

Also we've made changes to a lot of CSS stuff (sorry css makers), but I think krunker needs a new look overall. So we will continue to update CSS stuff over the coming updates as well.

NOTE: if you experience lag while shooting, try using the client instead, or cap your fps at 60. (We are looking into a fix for this too)

10.8. UPDATE 4.1.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-09
\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Added Zone Stages & Wait Timer to the Editor
* Updated KrunkScript editor window: Resizable etc

\* Weapons & Balancing
* Decreased AK Reload speed (1400ms to 1500ms time)

\* KPD & Anticheat
* Trust score will now affect your ability to call KPD

\* UI & CSS
* Profile pictures now show on end leaderboard
* Updated payment screen CSS
* Updated Featured games display a bit
* Updated CSS for several Popups
* Fixed Join Game Popup
* Fixed CSS Images & Fonts

\* Social & Friends
* Fixed bug with profile picture uploading: invalid png error
* Hub Chat messages now appear in real-time
* Can now see online status on someones profile page

\* Servers & Optimizations
* Optimized Server Memory (WIP)
* Optimized Maps Data to now be stored per game instance

\* Store & Purchases
* Can now purchase KR with Cash or Crypto

\* Comp & Ranked
* Alien Blaster is now banned from Comp Games
* Runner removed from comp matches
* Agent removed from comp matches

\* Other
* Trigger Teleporting is now smoother
* Scroll Click, Left Click & Right Click can now be binded
* Fixed Inventory value not working on Hub Profile

10.9. UPDATE 4.1.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-12
\* General
* Added new Free Spin
* Game/Map Home page now shows more dynamic suggestions
* Game/Map search now returns better & more results

\* Servers & Optimizations
* Optimized Server Input data
* Adjusted reconciliation logic (rubberbanding)
* Can now see a system chat message when rubberbanding, please report the numbers to us
* Optimized server processing on certain gamemodes

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Fix rate limiting of krunkScript in io-server
* Added more nav buttons to top of editor window
* Cleaned up Game & Asset publishing process/window
* Thumbnail, Description etc no longer needs to be filled in every time when updating a game
* Increased Zone Config Max values (Speed, Stages, Wait Timer)

\* UI & CSS
* Cleaned up Host menu CSS & Layout
* Slight Changes to Mods, Assets & Maps Window in the Editor

\* Steam Client
* Updated Steam store page
* Fixed some CSS issues on steam client

\* Controls & Keybinds
* Added Alternate Binds to all Controls
* Fixed Switching Players while Spectating
We have chosen the winners for the Map/Game Competition. It took a while as there was over 400 submissions.

We will display/announce the winners in the next update or 2.

Also a big change this update is that you no longer need to re-add thumbnails/descriptions when publishing a Map or Game.

FaceIT is coming along nicely, we are speaking to new server providers for it currently.

We have made a few changes to how networking handles lag, so if you experience rubberbanding after todays update. Please report it to us via reddit or discord. Its super useful for us.

- Sid

10.10. UPDATE 4.1.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-16
\* Servers & Optimizations
* Added more logging/system messages for rubberbanding
* Static Rendering is now enabled by default
* Slight increase to server tickrate on all servers
* Server renting front-end progress

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Fixed issue where maps with special characters couldnt be updated
* Fixed asset uploads not working
* Added keybind to open scripting window in editor: 0 key
* Added keybind to Save/Validate in scripting window (Ctrl S)
* Added function to convert 3d to 2d coordinates: GAME.SCENE.posToScreen(0,0,0)
* Added onPlayerSpawn Hooks to server & client scripts (Updated docs accordingly)
* Added onPlayerUpdate Hooks to server & client scripts (Updated docs accordingly)
* Added defaultMovement, defaultVelocity, defaultRotation to player object
* Added ability to disable more default behaviours: player.disableDefault("space");
* Added disableShooting, disableMelee to player object
* NETWORK.send & NETWORK.broadcast now return true or false if they succeed or fail
* Added new Trigger Action: CustomAction -> onCustomTrigger() hook in KS (server side)
* Added docs about new Custom Action in triggers
* Added basic docs about Movement (Custom player movement etc)
* Added UTILS.replaceText("Test", "e", "") function (Updated docs accordingly)
* Added UTILS.textContains("Test", "es") function (Updated docs accordingly)
* Added onMouseUp Hook
* Added basic Jetpack KrunkScript template
* Small changes to Editor welcome popup
* Added new Game/Map Category: Education

\* UI & CSS
* Added hover animation to custom host button in host menu (You're welcome swixie)
* Fixed issue where friends tab extends too far with long map names
* Added country flag icons to end board

\* Mods
* Thumbnail no longer needs to be filled in every time when updating a mod (Click edit button on My Mods on the hub)

\* Hub
* Added Background setting to Hub

\* Ranked & Comp
* Added map name to comp menu
* Show team score in intermission comp screen

\* Other
* Added new Free Spin
* Fixed issue where all objectives show at the same time
* Fixed issue where selecting a game to host from Hub doesn't work in-game
* Limited Games home page categories to 8 items max
* Fixed certain flag icons not loading properly
* Fixed issue with Host Game button not working on Home Page
We've made some changes to server logic and tickrate this update. Tickrate has been increased and shots should feel a bit better.

We have also added a new test setting called: Optimized Networking. If you experience a lot of Ping spikes, please test this setting out. It may not work properly yet, but we are testing it. So your feedback would help a lot.

The map competition winners are coming out next update (i did say 2-3 updates so TECHNICALLY im still on schedule for that)

Also ive noticed a lot of people trying to beat the speed-run record on slide_moonlight. So So by sept 1, whomever holds the WR, will be verified and win 100,000 KR.

Yes. This update isn't particularly content heavy. But we need to fix our servers. Its more important than a bunch of little features in my opinion. So we are re-writing networking a lot and thats taking the bulk of the dev time.

Scuff is doing a charity stream right now btw. Go check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/scufu

Thanks guys ❤

11. 4.2.x

11.1. UPDATE 4.2.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-18
\* Other
* Added new free spin
* Added new Free Spray: krTree
* Added Image Collection (Used to save all images for image based settings)

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Added basic sprinting template
* Added function to update player asset
* Added function to get list of path-nodes
* Fixed onScreen property not working properly for coords
* Added getDir3D function
* Updated movement docs a bit
* Updated Docs CSS a bit

\* UI & CSS
* Fixed Blackmarket Glitch Logo on the Hub
* Fixed "No Active Streams"

\* Games & Maps
* Update & New Game tag now show on Games home page
* Fixed third person camera not looking at player
* Reduced Instances of "Server Limit Reached"
@everyone Hey guys. First off I would like to announce the winners of the 50,000 USD game making competition. All of the submissions were tested and judged on their creativity, uniqueness and fun factor. While there were a lot of amazing submissions, we had to choose a top 10. And here they are:

#1 Pizza_Place $20,000 USD
#2 Battleboats $10,000 USD
#3 Warlord $8,000 USD
#4 Atrox $4,000 USD
#5 Spongegun 100,000 KR
#6 Saucer Labs 100,000 KR
#7 JailBird 100,000 KR
#8 Ten-Pin_Bowling 100,000 KR
#9 Pristis 100,000 KR
#10 GeometryDash 100,000 KR

Most Innovative
• Saucer Labs $3,000 USD

Best Graphics
• Engage $3,000 USD

Draw Winner
• Spongegun $3,000 USD

Honorable Mentions (No particular order)
• CrystalDefender
• KrunkerKovaaks
• BoardMorris

If your game didn't make the cut, please don't be discouraged. A lot of amazing games were submitted and you can be proud that you created a finished game from start to finish!

We will also be going through and awarding verifications and KR prizes to some of the other submissions that didn't win a big prize. We will reach out to the main prize winners to arrange payment very soon.

We are still considering doing a live stream where we play the submissions and discuss the ratings and reasoning, but we are currently swamped with Season 5 and Ranked.

In other news, we are running a small competition until the 1st of September where the fastest completion time of slide_moonlight receives verification and 100,000 KR.

Also a new subreddit has appeared. https://www.reddit.com/r/OkKrunkerBuddy/ check it out. You wont regret it

See you in the next one

11.2. UPDATE 4.2.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-21
\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Added Trigger -> KrunkScript example (Must be hosted to work)
* Added Game of Life in KrunkScript as Template
* Updated Editor welcome popup
* All templates are now loadable from the templates popup
* Fixed issue with player.name not being a property: changed to player.username
* Added player.isCrouching, player.onTerrain
* Added support for custom geometry creation via vertex Positions GAME.SCENE.addCustom() (WIP)

\* UI & CSS
* Added Popups for Editor Import & Ingame Settings Import
* Renamed "Default" Crosshair option to "Dynamic"
* Reduced Max Size of Dynamic crosshair
* Crosshair dot is enabled by default for Dynamic Crosshair
* Throwing Crosshair is now separate from normal crosshair with its own settings

\* Games & Maps
* Another Possible 200 DMG/healing Bug fix (Please report if it happens again)
* Overhauled King of the Hill mode

\* General
* Added free spin
* Renamed 'Nightmare Fue' skin to 'Nightmare Fuel'
* Fix Hub in-feed Ads

11.3. UPDATE 4.2.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-24
\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Updated docs in certain areas (added a few images)
* Added New Variant For Wood Texture & Crate Model

\* Other
* Added new free spin
* Added new network rate setting (Adjust this and test what feels best for you)
* Updated Comp store page a bit
* Fixed third person issue with Opt Networking
* Fixed issue with weapons not showing with Opt Networking setting

\* Settings
* "Custom" crosshair type renamed to "Shapes"
* Added more options to Throwing Crosshair
* Added Width & Height for Image Crosshairs (0 = Size from image)
* Removed Static Rendering setting (Now always enabled)
* You can now select your Audio/Mic Input Device
* You can now Change your own mics volume
* Adjustments to several languages

\* Games, Maps & Modes
* Added new Comp/Rotation Map: Lumber
* Overhauled Kill Confirm Win conditions (Now counts confirms for players that left, New Order of checks: Confirms -> Denies -> Kills -> Score)
* CTF End Leaderboard sorting updated
* Added more accuracy to milliseconds on speed run finished time

\* UI & CSS
* Made W/L Stats more accurate on Profile & Hub
* Fixed issue with changing players in Host menu

11.4. UPDATE 4.2.3

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-29
\* Settings
* Optimized Networking is now on by default (If you are on a high HZ monitor, change the Network Rate setting)
* Width & Height for Image Crosshairs are now consistent with each other
* "Hide Game" keybind no longer triggers when typing normally
* Added Chat Message Keybinds (Can send preset messages with a keybind)
* Adjusted Mobile Default settings
* Adjusted Controller Default settings
* Added a Slider to Controller Vibration
* Adjustments to several languages

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Adjusted network data size limit
* play2D and play3D now return a sound object (updated documentation)
* Fixed issue with Truncate text not working
* Fixed GLTF Exporting

\* UI & CSS
* Update Challenge window with renders etc
* Doubled amount of sprays shown on Premium Spray Wheel
* Made Keybind Toggles dropdown more visible
* Fixed Menu button on Mobile
* Fixed issue with Server Browser reopening after closed
* Fixed Spray Wheel Scroll Image position

\* General
* Added new Free Spin
* Changes to Ad refreshing: should alleviate spawn freeze issue
* Map Drop chances doubled for Premium Users
* Fixed Builder Crosshair (Froze players using builder)
* Fixed not being able to shoot with controller

11.5. UPDATE 4.2.4

업데이트 날짜: 2021-08-30
\* General
* Chat Messages & Toggle Settings now export & import properly
* Fixed freeze at the end of a match
* Fixed freeze when loading assets ingame
* Fixed ingame trade chat

11.6. UPDATE 4.2.5

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-01
\* Comp
* Adjusted default comp preset to be: Best-of 3
* Fixed team score display in comp mode
* Adjustments to best-of system (now ends when its supposed to)

\* Other
* /kill can now be used in Customs with Default Settings (Premium Host only)
* Fixed Creator code notifications
* Visual changes to creator code messages
* Keybinds Menu Overhauled
* Updated TOS surrounding assets
* Fix load screen scaling issue
@everyone Season 5 is making really good progress. We know the game hasn't seen a ton of new content as of late. But that's because we are working on a massive update for the launch of season 5.

One of the biggest issues with krunker right now is its progression system. Or lack thereof. So we aim to address that with the release of the season. We will give you a ton of new things to grind for and to work toward. And I mean a TON.

On top of that we have 2 new official raid events coming, ranked rework, huge challenge overhaul and way more. We are also making big changes to make pubs way more interesting to play.

Now im not giving any ETAs still. But we are working on it every day to make sure it gets done ASAP.

I know its been a slow process. But i reckon the wait will have been worth it once it comes out.

Thanks for being patient 😙

11.7. UPDATE 4.2.6

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-03
\* General
* Added new Free Spin
* Hidden players no longer emit sounds & bullets

\* Servers
* Added ability to rent dedicated servers (WIP)

\* Comp
* Fixed medals in Comp Mode
* Bronze is no longer default rank
* Fixed Score reporting

\* Settings & Keybinds
* Rearranged Keybinds more
* Separated Prophunt Keybinds from Streaks

\* Maps
* Slight Changes to Lumber
* Fixed spinning Cylinder objects

\* UI
* Fixed Item sold Inbox messages
* Moved/Re-styled Cookie Button
* Made gifting fee more noticeable

11.8. UPDATE 4.2.7

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-06
\* General
* Added new Free spin

\* Servers
* Added more dedicated servers to rent
* Fixed issue with Dedicated servers not functioning properly
* Added option to restart server to dedicated servers
* Merged Dedicated Servers and Official Customs into their own server browser list

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Fixed shadows not working on GLTF models
* Added Rope Ladder object (360 ladders)
* Fixed issue with image centering on overlay canvas
* Fixed Asset Invisibility when using destructible or spin

\* Games, Maps & Mods
* Added Trade button to Player menu while in Trade mode
* Fixed Reset Mods when using Shader mods
* Added new Taunt to Prophunt

\* UI
* Added Read All button to all Inbox tabs (Except Archive)
* Hub profile is now Dark Theme

11.9. UPDATE 4.2.8

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-07
\* Servers
* Fixed issue where plays dont count on dedicated servers
* Dedicated servers now save play stats constantly (even during an update)

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* AI name is now hidden if no name is given
* Added onHalfHealth Trigger Event to AI
* Added Shot Arch Y property to AI shooting options
* Fixed AI aggro sound not working

\* UI
* Fixed Usernames being too dark on the Hub
* Slight changes to Trade UI on the Hub
* Estimated Value is now more Visible on Trade UI in Trade mode
* Added Item Requests to Trade mode (Click other users item to request)
* Semi Fixed Trade chat

\* Comp
* Fixed Abandoned matches
* Added More configs

\* Settings & Keybinds
* Gradual Speed is now enabled by default on mobile

11.10. UPDATE 4.2.9

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-08
\* Other
* Added new Free spin
* Added gift object as new prop in prophunt
* Optimized sync data on map load

\* Servers
* Fixed Server crash issue
* Fixed comp server issue
* Added more dedicated servers

\* KrunkScript & Editor
* Added Shoot & Melee delay to AI
* Added Projectile Mesh Scale to AI
* Fixed Ramp Collisions for AI
* Fixed issue where AI would collide with onEnter trigger objects

\* Settings
* Added Show Region Info setting (Could help counter stream snipers)

12. 4.3.x

12.1. UPDATE 4.3.0

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-09
\* Servers
* Fixed urgent Server crash
@everyone Just a heads up. We are in crunch-time for season 5. Since it will be coming out very soon, every update until the release will only be small fixes and things related to ranked rework testing.

I'm super excited for the launch. We have so many awesome things coming for it that we have been working on. We also have a release date internally, but I wont announce that until we are absolutely sure we can meet it.

We've had a lot of internal meetings and discussions about how to make the game feel more rewarding overall and add a new layer of progression. And I really think you guys are gonna like what we've come up with.

Vince and the skin makers have been grinding day and night to create some of the most insane items we've seen to date. So you will have a ton of new cosmetics and skins to grind for (not just from spins this time). There's loads of new ways to unlock skins this season. Here is a little sneak-peak (one of my personal favourites)

12.2. UPDATE 4.3.1

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-14
\* Servers
* Fixed issue where a Dedicated server doesn't de-register when updated/restarted
* Fixed comp server issue
* Updates to FaceIT integration

\* General
* Fixed issue with Command Permissions on Default Settings Games
* Fixed Health Regen bug
* Fixed Games List Home page
@everyone Just a small update to fix a few things and update the FaceIT addons. We are making really good progress and look to be on track with our internal release date.

In preparation for the alpha launch of FaceIT. FaceIT has given us a survey to get some additional feedback from you guys. Please fill it out if you have the time. Would really help us out.


12.3. UPDATE 4.3.2

업데이트 날짜: 2021-09-16
\* General
* Added Free Spin
* Prepping for FACEIT Alpha

\* Servers
* Updated Comp Server Configs
* Added Comp preset configs
* Slight Server optimizations

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