스테이터스 | Vit | Str | Dex | Tec | Mag | Fai |
Vit | - | Enforcer | Gunner | Machinist | Darkmage | Aethermage |
Str | Enforcer | - | Blademaster | Dragoon | Spellblade | Aetherknight |
Dex | Gunner | Blademaster | - | Bounty Hunter | Gunmage | Commander |
Tec | Machinist | Dragoon | Bounty Hunter | - | Datamancer | Alchemist |
Mag | Darkmage | Spellblade | Gunmage | Datamancer | - | Arcanist |
Fai | Aethermage | Aetherknight | Commander | Alchemist | Arcanist | - |
이름 | 설명 |
Enforcer | Enforcers balance their offense and defense in combat. As loyal warriors, they hope the bring peace to the galaxy. |
Gunner | Gunners utilize their skills with both guns and cannons on the battlefield to defeat their enemies from afar. |
Machinist | Rather than using traditional Aetherweaopons, machinists unlock thier true potential with Gadgets and Combat Chips. |
Darkmage | Darkmages destroy foes with powerful Magical Combat Chips, and use the mysterious Gauntlet weapon. |
Aethermage | These devout cadets utilize support magic to help allies in need. |
Blademaster | Blademasters are unmatched in Aetherblade combat, destroying anyone who challenges them. |
Dragoon | Specializing in high tech gear and wielding massive Aetherlances, Dragoons are an elite force of combatants. |
Spellblade | Spellblade combine the ferocity of melee combat with powerful magic to excel in all facets of battle. |
Aetherknight | Atherknights are stalwarts warriors who cut down foes while simultaneously wielding support magic. |
Bounty Hunter | Master of ranged weapons and tech gear, Bounty Hunters complete their missions with efficiency and destruction. |
Gunmage | Gunmages have the ultimate arsenal of ranged weaponry, utilizing both damage spells and powerful guns. |
Commander | Commanders are natural leaders on the battle field. They attack from afar while also using support Combat Chips. |
Datamancer | Using both destructive magic and technology, Datamancers watch from afar as opponents collapse into nothing. |
Alchemist | Alchemists combine various potions and magical concoctions to provide the ultimate aid on the battlefield. |
Arcanist | Arcanists are masters of both dark and light magic, allowing them to fill multiple roles in any Combat Squad. |