최근 수정 시각 : 2024-10-03 22:15:36

틀:Hail to the Thief

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파일:라헤 6집.jpg
Hail to the Thief
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{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
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# 제목 러닝타임
<colbgcolor=#569fce><colcolor=#000000> 1 <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919>2 + 2 = 5 <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919><colcolor=#191919,#fff> 3:19
2 Sit Down. Stand Up 4:19
3 Sail to the Moon 4:18
4 Backdrifts 5:22
5 Go to Sleep 3:21
6 Where I End and You Begin 4:29
7 We Suck Young Blood 4:56
8 The Gloaming 3:32
9 There, There 5:25
10 I Will 1:59
11 A Punch Up at a Wedding 4:57
12 Myxomatosis 3:52
13 Scatterbrain 3:21
14 A Wolf at the Door 3:21
}}}}}}}}} ||