최근 수정 시각 : 2022-12-19 17:50:03


파일:워프레임_로고.png파일:워프레임 로고 화이트.png
관련 문서
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1. 개요2. 배경3. 대사4. 기타5. 관련 문서

1. 개요

파일:Ticker 1.png

포르투나에서 만날 수 있는 솔라리스 연합 소속의 NPC. 솔라리스들의 채무를 면제해주는 일을 하고있다. 플레이어는 티커로부터 일정량의 자원과 크레딧을 대가로 차용증서를 구입할 수 있다.

이름은 주식 등에 부여되는 코드를 뜻하는 단어에서 그대로 따왔다.

2. 배경

지금의 모습과는 달리, 과거 티커는 여자였으며 그녀에게는 연인이 있었다. 하지만 다른 솔라리스들과 마찬가지로 티커의 연인도 빚을 갚지못해 코퍼스에게 신체를 징수당하였고 마지막에는 뇌까지 빼앗기고 말았다. 티커는 연인을 되찾기 위해 스스로의 신체를 팔아 저당잡힌 애인의 신체를 조금씩 사들였으며 마지막에는 그의 의식이 담긴 뇌까지 되찾는데 성공한다. 그러나 그의 뇌는 티커를 알아보지도 못할 정도로, 스스로를 기억하지 못할 정도로 너무 오랜 기간동안 방치되었었다. 결국 티커는 애인이 남긴 몸과 그에 대한 기억만 가진 채, 그녀의 연인은 자신에 대한 희미한 기억만 가진 채 둘은 이별하게 된다.

그 이후, 그는 자신의 애인과 같은 이들이 없기를 바라는 마음에서 코퍼스 몰래 물밑에서 저당당한 이들을 구제하는 일을 시작한다.

3. 대사

  • Introduction
    • Well, well. Look at you: a Tenno, fine, kind, and benign. Ticker can spot an ambidexter a block away, and, Stardust, you. Ain't. It. So listen, and listen tight: My real fine is debt forgiveness. Charity. You buy some poor rig jockey's debt and they sidestep brain-shelving. Every sinner's a winner. Now... I'd appreciate you keepin' this little ol' conversation to yourself. And when I ask you for help, you look me in my baby blues and say 'yes.'
  • Greetings
    • Well well, here comes hope for the hopeless. Gimme some good news, Stardust.
    • Got good people hoping to see another sunrise. No time for sweet talk, Stardust. Save some lives.
    • 티커한테 찾아올 수 있는 것들 중 하나. 신전에서 자선을 뭐라고 가르치는지 알아? 대죄라더라. 그럼 티커가 저당 잡힌 사람들을 돕는 것을 들키면 어떻게 될까? 그걸로 난 끝이지, 별가루 씨.
    • Time's running out for those on my books, Stardust. What have you got for me?
    • Don't matter to Nef one whit if you're an engineer or a lowly thrower. You owe, you go. That's where Ticker comes in, ray of sunshine that she is.
    • It takes long winter nights to teach a girl how to cultivate within herself invincible summer days.
    • I've never met a priest who could tell you anything about Heaven, but they knew every square inch of Hell. They should. They built it.
    • Ain't no victims on these lists, Stardust. Every one of them workin' against the impossible to make things right for them and theirs. Makes them a hero in Ticker's eyes. Still... like the man said... show me a hero and I'll write you a Void-damned tragedy.
    • Best advice I was ever given? "Ticker, you'll be a lot happier once you stop caring about the opinions of a culture that is beneath you." I learned my worth, learned the places and people that matter. Opened my eyes.
    • Sometimes strangers don't know any better, but I swear. To. The. Void... I do try to keep a lid on it, but sometimes the wrong thing just lets all the bats out.
    • A person gets told a lot of things over the course of a life. Who they are. Who they should be. Amateurs, lecturing a professional. Anything that can't survive scrutiny, shouldn't.
  • Farewells
    • You know where to find me.
    • Check back in a little bit. New merchandise all the time... all the damn time.[1]
    • I'll be here, 'til it's me on those dossiers. 'Til then, we dance, don't we, Stardust?
  • Idle
    • Hey there Stardust. Our stock is hot, hot, hot, right now. Mmm, mmm!
    • Let's go lovely, tippity-top!
    • Hello, hello, hello! Old things looking for a new home at very reasonable prices. Under less stressful conditions.
    • Every trinket a story! A story waiting to be shared, my lovely. A story waiting to be freed.
    • Get over here doll. Free love to a second home. Treasures that deserve a second chance.
    • Odds and ends need love too, sweet thing. Lets you and Ticker talk about given something that once knew love a second lease on life.
    • The once-loved in need of a little TLC, Stardust. I hope you came here with credits and good intentions.
  • Browsing Debt-bonds
    • Some day things will be different.
    • Some see life as adversity or adventure. The adventurers make it.
    • Life's a hell of an adventure, isn't it.
    • Life's a ride, isn't it? Hell of a ride.
    • Comedy or tragedy, depending on your wage bracket. Isn't right.
      소득에 의해서 삶이 결정된다니, 옳지 않은일이지.
    • They never gave up on themselves. We shouldn't either.
      그들은 전혀 포기하지 않았어. 우리도 포기해선 안돼.
    • They can save themselves, with a little help.
      조금만 도와준다면 다시 일어설 수 있을거야.
    • They could use your help.
    • There is no shame in helping your fellow creatures.
    • 그들의 마음 속에 있는 불빛이 꺼지지 않게 해줘, 별가루 씨.
    • We all do what we can, Stardust.
    • We all need help time to time.
    • Terrible choice to have to make.
      어쩔수 없다기에는 끔찍한 선택이었어.
    • Everyone makes mistakes. Shouldn't be a crime.
    • An entire life can change thanks to one act of kindness.
    • Really quite sweet, that one.
    • One of the good ones, that one.
  • Purchasing Debt-bonds
    • The only happiness we ever know is love, Stardust.
    • The life we get is so rarely the one we planned for. You've done good, Stardust.
    • The Void sent you to us, I'm sure of it.
    • Your wish is my commish.
    • 당신은 좋은 사람들 중 하나란다, 별가루 씨.
    • No guarantees in life, but that don't mean we gotta like it. Thank you.
  • Browsing Orbiter Decorations
    • Not sure what's in here, to be honest.
    • See a little somethin' somethin' to make a house a home?
    • Hey, this cover's gotta be useful for something.
    • Ticker don't do retail, so... lemme know what you find.
  • Purchasing Orbiter Decorations
    • Isn't that a pretty little thing. Here y'go.
    • Done deal, darlin'.
    • ...and this is for you.
  • Trading in Debt-bonds
    • What is it you have for us, Stardust?
    • 듣고 있단다.
    • 얘기하고 싶은 거 있니?
  • Upon trading in Debt-Bonds
    • 고마워.
    • 참 사랑스럽기도 하지.
    • You're one of the good ones Stardust, and no mistake.
  • Leaving Debt-bond shop
    • We all do as best we can.
    • I have other options. There may still be a chance.
    • There's no shame in giving what you can, when you can.
  • Leaving Debt-bond trading
    • Something else?
    • Another time.
    • Chekchek.
  • Leaving Ticker's Secondhand
    • Mm-hmm. Knowing when to move is half the game, luvvie.
    • A cool head. I like that.
    • Mm-hmm. Do what you gotta.

이 문서에 스포일러가 포함되어 있습니다.

이 문서가 설명하는 작품이나 인물 등에 대한 줄거리, 결말, 반전 요소 등을 직·간접적으로 포함하고 있습니다.

파일:Ticker 2.png
솔라리스 연합 "형씨" 평판 달성 후
  • Re-introduction
    • Ugh, finally, I do so prefer dealing with clients face-to-face, but, you know, one doesn't just give it up on the first date. Pleased to meet you. Again. Shall we deal?
  • Greetings
    • Stardust. Let's you and me talk about what I can do for you, then I've got to run a few nutrient canisters to little ol' Smokefinger. I swear if I didn't make him intake once a cycle he'd spend all week just staring at rocks.
    • Some think Zuud is a bit much, but I got time for the old lady... and all her invisible friends. 'Ticker,' my mother once said. 'You be home by 12. The Void's takin' me at 12.' And, sure enough, I get home at 12:02 and there she is, dead in her rack. So yeah, I got time and an open mind. Anyway, what can I do you for?
    • The Business loves Venus for the growing thing that it is. But not all things that grow are good. Bad days, Stardust. Bad days lead to bad thoughts, and bad thoughts grow like weeds. Livin' here you learn fast: keep that garden tidy. Blood's a hell of a fertilizer.
    • Ugh, Stardust, don't even ask what kinda day Ticker's having. Tell me about you.
    • Well well, if it isn't my little spray of Stardust. Ticker's gonna put the comm on the hook and take five. How are you?
    • Well! Pump the brakes, look who it is! Stardust. Where have you been?
    • Love took me places, Stardust. And love brought me back. We fell to this place together, he and I. But I was the only one who stood back up.
    • Modification's a strange bird, Stardust. It happens, and you think you've lost yourself. I was my arms, I was my legs, I was that person. But, live with it long enough, truth is the only thing you didn't really lose was precisely who you are. Ain't nothin' left but what's behind your eyes. So you make sure that's beautiful. And Ticker... mmm mmm. She loves her some beauty.
    • I don't think much of myself, if I'm honest. Oh, don't misunderstand. Ticker's astounding and she knows it. Just that I've been so many people over the course of a life long lived. These days I think more of the world.
    • You like stories? Someone like you, Gara, faced up to an Eidolon - might as well have been a god - never blinked, saved a world. See, the value of stories isn't in telling you there are monsters, Stardust. It's in showing you they can be kicked square in the down-belows.

4. 기타

  • 티커는 비즈니스 위쪽에 위치하고 있어 미니맵 상으로는 표식이 겹치기에 얼핏 봐서는 찾기 어려운 NPC다. 티커를 처음 찾는다면 ESC를 누르고 빠른 이동을 하는게 편하다.
  • 티커의 배경 설정에서 알 수 있듯이 남성의 몸에 여성의 정신이 들어있는 인물이고 행동 양상도 여성성이 드러나는 캐릭터라 (제작진이 의도한 것과는 별개로) 오카마의 정의에 부합한다. 때문에 그 정체를 알기 전에 티커를 접하는 일부 플레이어들은 오카마 캐릭터로 인식하기도 한다.

5. 관련 문서

[1] 나중에 찾아아오라구. 새상품이 항상 들어오니까... 빌어먹게도 항상 말이지.