최근 수정 시각 : 2024-05-15 01:11:07

No Rules!

No Rules!
<colbgcolor=#A5393D> 발매일 2024년 1월 16일
작곡/작사 Henri Piispanen[1], Jussi Roine, Teemu Keisteri[2]
1. 개요2. 영상
2.1. 뮤직비디오2.2. 유로비전
3. 가사4. 2024년 유로비전 송 콘테스트
4.1. Pre Party4.2. 포스트카드
5. 여담


1. 개요

핀란드의 그룹 Windows95man의 노래.

2. 영상

2.1. 뮤직비디오


2.2. 유로비전

세미 파이널 파이널

3. 가사

원어 한국어 번역
My name is Windows, Windows95man
And I only live by one rule
And the rule is no rules
(No rules)

Silence, I say
This is my time, my stage
Call me what you may, see if I care, see me slay
Is there something wrong with the way I look?
Is there something wrong with who I am?
If I'm not alright, tell me why do I feel so beautiful tonight

No rules
It's how I live, how I find the wind beneath my wings
It's how I learn to fly
(Let's go)
No rules
In the heat of the night, in the thrill of the fight
I don't even care what's wrong or right
It's how I live my life
No rules

Quiet as I speak
I am the king, I am the queen
And you all gonna be free
Forget the rules and scream
Is there something wrong with the way I look?
Is there something wrong with who I am?
If I'm not alright, tell me why do I feel so beautiful tonight

(Move your body)
No rules
It's how I live, how I find the wind beneath my wings
It's how I learn to fly
(Come to me)
No rules
In the heat of the night, in the thrill of the fight
I don't even care what's wrong or right
It's how I live my life

(No rules)
It's how I live, how I find the wind beneath my wings
It's how I learn to fly
(Make some noise, let's go)
In the heat of the night, in the thrill of the fight
I don't even care what's wrong or right
It's how I live my life

No rules
It's how I live, how I find the wind beneath my wings
It's how I learn to fly
(Come on)
No rules
In the heat of the night, in the thrill of the fight
I don't even care what's wrong or right
It's how I live my life

No rules

4. 2024년 유로비전 송 콘테스트

이전 대회 참가자
파일:영국 국기.svg 리버풀 2023
다음 대회 참가자 ▶
파일:스위스 국기.svg 바젤 2025
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파일:네덜란드 국기.svg 네덜란드
유스트 클라인
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4.1. Pre Party

4.2. 포스트카드

5. 여담

[1] 왼쪽 빨간상의 입은 사람[2] 오른쪽에 윈도우 상의에 모자쓴 사람