{{{#!wiki style="margin: -10px -10px" | <tablealign=center><tablebordercolor=#041483><tablebgcolor=#041483> | 미국 공군의 주요 사령부 Major Command of the United States Air Force |
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px;" {{{#ffffff {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin-bottom: -15px;" {{{#181818,#e5e5e5 | | ||
ACC 공군전투사령부 | AFGSC 공군지구권타격사령부 | AFMC 공군물자사령부 | |
AMC 공군기동사령부 | PACAF 태평양공군 | USAFE-AFAFRICA 유럽-아프리카공군 | |
| |||
AETC 공군교육훈련사령부 | AFSOC 공군특수작전사령부 | AFRC 공군예비군사령부 |
공군기동사령부 Air Mobility Command | |
| |
창설일 | 1941년 5월 29일 |
약칭 | AMC |
소속 | |
상급부대 | |
참전 | 제2차 세계 대전 → 아메리카 대륙 전역 테러와의 전쟁 |
슬로건 | We answer the call of others... so that they may prevail 우리는 다른 사람의 부름에 응한다... 그들이 이길 수 있도록 |
사령관 | |
부사령관 | |
본부 | 스콧 공군기지 |
1. 개요
Air Mobility Command, 공군기동사령부는 미국 공군의 주요 사령부(Major Command)로, 미군의 수송기, 급유기 전력을 총괄하며. 사령관은 공군 대장이 보임된다.2. 역사
공군기동사령부는 1992년 군사공수사령부(Military Airlift Command)가 해체되고 재편성되면서 탄생했다. 창설 초기에는 통합전투사령부인 수송사령부의 사령관이 공군기동사령부의 사령관을 겸임하고 있었으나, 노턴 슈워츠 장군이 수송사령관에 취임하면서부터 사령관 직이 분리되었다.본부는 일리노이 주 스콧 공군기지에 위치해 있다.
현 사령관은 존 D. 라몬테인 공군 대장으로 유럽-아프리카공군 부사령관을 맡던 중 대장 진급과 함께 부임했다.
==# 예하 부대 #==
- 제618항공작전센터(급유공수통제센터) / 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center)
===# 제18공군 / Eighteenth Air Force #===
- 제6공중급유비행단 / 6th Air Refueling Wing
- 제6정비전대 / 6th Maintenance Group
제6항공기정비대대 / 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제6정비대대 / 6th Maintenance Squadron - 제6의무전대 / 6th Medical Group
- 제6작전전대 / 6th Operations Group
제6작전지원대대 / 6th Operations Support Squadron
제91공중급유비행대대 / 91st Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제50공중급유비행대대 / 50th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제99공중급유비행대대(앨라배마 공군 주방위군) / 99th Air Refueling Squadron (Alabama Air National Guard)[KC-135R]
제911공중급유비행대대(공군 예비군) / 911th Air Refueling Squadron (Air Reserve)[KC-46A] - 제6임무지원전대 / 6th Mission Support Group
제6토목공병대대 / 6th Civil Engineer Squadron
제6통신대대 / 6th Communications Squadron
제6계약대대 / 6th Contracting Squadron
제6군수즉응대대 / 6th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제6부대지원대대 / 6th Force Support Squadron
제6군사경찰대대 / 6th Security Forces Squadron
- 제19공수비행단 / 19th Airlift Wing
- 제19작전전대 / 19th Operations Group
제19작전지원대대 / 19th Operations Support Squadron
제34전투훈련대대 / 34th Combat Training Squadron
제41공수비행대대 / 41st Airlift Squadron[C-130J]
제41공수비행대대 / 52nd Airlift Squadron (Air Reserve)[C-130H]
제41공수비행대대 / 53nd Airlift Squadron[C-130J]
제41공수비행대대 / 61st Airlift Squadron[C-130J] - 제19정비전대 / 19th Maintenance Group
제19항공기정비대대 / 19th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제19정비대대 / 19th Maintenance Squadron
제19정비작전대대 / 19th Maintenance Operations Squadron - 제19임무지원전대 / 19th Mission Support Group
제19계약대대 / 19th Contracting Squadron
제19토목공병대대 / 19th Civil Engineer Squadron
제19통신대대 / 19th Communications Squadron
제19부대지원대대 / 19th Force Support Squadron
제19군사경찰대대 / 19th Security Forces Squadron
제19군수즉응대대 / 19th Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제19의무전대 / 19th Medical Group
제19항공의무치의대대 / 19th Aeromedical Dental Squadron
제19항공우주의약품대대 / 19th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
제19의무작전대대 / 19th Medical Operations Squadron
- 제22공중급유비행단 / 22nd Air Refueling Wing
- 제22작전전대 / 22nd Operations Group
제344공중급유비행대대 / 344th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제349공중급유비행대대 / 349th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제350공중급유비행대대 / 350th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제22작전지원대대 / 22nd Operations Support Squadron - 제22정비전대 / 22nd Maintenance Group
제22정비대대 / 22nd Maintenance Squadron
제22항공기정비대대 / 22nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제22정비작전대대 / 22nd Maintenance Operations Squadron - 제22임무지원전대 / 22nd Mission Support Group
제22군사경찰대대 / 22nd Security Forces Squadron
제22계약대대 / 22nd Contracting Squadron
제22부대지원대대 / 22nd Force Support Squadron
제22군수즉응대대 / 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron
제22통신대대 / 22nd Communications Squadron
제22토목공병대대 / 22nd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제22의무전대 / 22nd Medical Group
제22의무작전대대 / 22nd Medical Operations Squadron
제22항공의무치의대대 / 22nd Aeromedical Dental Squadron
제22의무지원대대 / 22nd Medical Support Squadron
- 제60공중기동비행단 / 60th Air Mobility Wing
- 제60작전전대 / 60th Operations Group
제21공수비행대대 / 21st Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제22공수비행대대 / 22nd Airlift Squadron[C-5M]
제6공중급유비행대대 / 6th Refueling Squadron[KC-10]
제6공중급유비행대대 / 9th Refueling Squadron[KC-10]
제60작전지원대대 / 60th Operations Support Squadron - 제60정비전대 / 60th Maintenance Group
제60정비대대 / 60th Maintenance Squadron
제60항공기정비대대 / 60th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제660항공기정비대대 / 660th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제860항공기정비대대 / 860th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제60공중항만대대 / 60th Aerial Port Squadron - 제60임무지원전대 / 60th Mission Support Group
제60토목공병대대 / 60th Civil Engineer Squadron
제60계약대대 / 60th Contracting Squadron
제60통신대대 / 60th Communications Squadron
제60군사경찰대대 / 60th Security Forces Squadron
제60부대지원대대 / 60th Force Support Squadron
제60군수즉응대대 / 60th Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제60의무전대 / 60th Medical Group
제60항공우주의약품대대 / 60th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
제60치의대대 / 60th Dental Squadron
제60진단치료대대 / 60th Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron
제60입원대대 / 60th Inpatient Squadron
제60의무작전대대 / 60th Medical Operations Squadron
제60의무지원대대 / 60th Medical Support Squadron
제60외과작전대대 / 60th Surgical Operations Squadron
- 제62공수비행단 / 62nd Airlift Wing
- 제62의무대대 / 62nd Medical Squadron
- 제62감사대대 / 62nd Comptroller Squadron
- 제62작전전대 / 62nd Operations Group
제4공수비행대대 / 4th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제7공수비행대대 / 7th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제8공수비행대대 / 8th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제62작전지원대대 / 62nd Operations Support Squadron - 제62정비전대 / 62nd Maintenance Group
제62정비대대 / 62nd Maintenance Squadron
제62정비작전대대 / 62nd Maintenance Operations Squadron
제62항공기정비대대 / 62nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제62공중항만대대 / 62nd Aerial Port Squadron - 제627공군기지전대 / 627th Air Base Group
제627군사경찰대대 / 627th Security Forces Squadron
제627부대지원대대 / 627th Force Support Squadron
제627군수즉응대대 / 627th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제627통신대대 / 627th Communications Squadron
제627토목공병대대 / 627th Civil Engineer Squadron
- 제89공수비행단 / 89th Airlift Wing
- 제89작전전대 / 89th Operations Group
제89작전지원대대 / 89th Operations Support Squadron
제1공수비행대대 / 1st Airlift Squadron[C-32A][C-40B]
제99공수비행대대 / 99th Airlift Squadron[C-37A/B] - 제89공수지원전대 / 89th Airlift Support Group
제89통신대대 / 89th Communication Squadron
제89공중항만대대 / 89th Aerial Port Squadron - 제89정비전대 / 89th Maintenance Group
- 대통령공수전대 / Presidential Airlift Group
대통령군수대대 / Presidential Logistics Squadron
대통령공수비행대대 / Presidential Airlift Squadron[VC-25A]
- 제92공중급유비행단 / 92nd Air Refueling Wing
- 제92작전전대 / 92nd Operations Group
제92공중급유비행대대 / 92nd Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제93공중급유비행대대 / 93nd Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제97공중급유비행대대 / 97th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제384공중급유비행대대 / 384th Air Refueling Squadron[KC-135R]
제92작전지원대대 / 92nd Operations Support Squadron - 제92정비전대 / 92nd Maintenance Group
제92정비대대 / 92nd Maintenance Squadron
제92정비작전대대 / 92nd Maintenance Operations Squadron
제92항공기정비대대 / 92nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - 제92임무지원전대 / 92nd Mission Support Group
제92토목공병대대 / 92nd Civil Engineer Squadron
제92통신대대 / 92nd Communications Squadron
제92부대지원대대 / 92nd Force Support Squadron
제92군사경찰대대 / 92nd Security Forces Squadron
제92계약대대 / 92nd Contracting Squadron
제92군수즉응대대 / 92nd Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제92의무전대 / 92nd Medical Group
제92보건작전대대 / 92nd Healthcare Operations Squadron
제92작전의무즉응대대 / 92nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron
제92의무지원대대 / 92nd Medical Support Squadron
- 제305공중기동비행단 / 305th Air Mobility Wing
- 제305작전전대 / 305th Operations Group
제6공수비행대대 / 6th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제2공중급유비행대대 / 2nd Air Refueling Squadron[KC-46A]
제32공중급유비행대대 / 32nd Air Refueling Squadron[KC-10]
제305작전지원대대 / 305th Operations Support Squadron - 제305정비전대 / 305th Maintenance Group
제305정비작전대대 / 305th Maintenance Operations Squadron
제305정비대대 / 305th Maintenance Squadron
제305항공기정비대대 / 305th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제605항공기정비대대 / 605th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제305공중항만대대 / 305th Aerial Port Squadron
- 제317공수비행단 / 317th Airlift Wing
- 제375공중기동비행단 / 375th Air Mobility Wing
- 제375통신전대 / 375th Communications Group
제375통신대대 / 375th Communications Squadron
제375통신지원대대 / 375th Communications Support Squadron - 제375의무전대 / 375th Medical Group
제375항공우주의약품대대 / 375th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
제375치의대대 / 375th Dental Squadron
제375의무작전대대 / 375th Medical Operations Squadron
제375의무지원대대 / 375th Medical Support Squadron - 제375임무지원전대 / 375th Mission Support Group
제375토목공병대대 / 375th Civil Engineer Squadron
제375계약대대 / 375th Contracting Squadron
제375부대지원대대 / 375th Force Support Squadron
제375군수즉응대대 / 375th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제375군사경찰대대 / 375th Security Forces Squadron - 제375작전전대 / 375th Operations Group
제54공수비행대대 / 54th Airlift Squadron[C-40C]
제458공수비행대대 / 458th Airlift Squadron[C-21A]
제906공중급유비행대대(일리노이 공군 주방위군) / 906th Air Refueling Squadron (Illinois Air National Guard)[KC-135R]
제375항공의무후송대대 / 375th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
제375작전지원대대 / 375th Operations Support Squadron
제1분견대, 제375작전전대 / Detachment 1, 375th Operations Group
제4분견대, 제375작전전대 / Detachment 4, 375th Operations Group
- 제436공수비행단 / 436th Airlift Wing
- 제436임무발전전대 / 436th Mission Generation Group
제436항공기정비대대 / 436th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제736항공기정비대대 / 736th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제436정비대대 / 436th Maintenance Squadron
제436공중항만대대 / 436th Aerial Port Squadron
제436승객터미널 / 436th Passenger Terminal - 제436의무전대 / 436th Medical Group
- 제436임무지원전대 / 436th Mission Support Group
제436토목공병대대 / 436th Civil Engineer Squadron
제436통신대대 / 436th Communications Squadron
제436군사경찰대대 / 436th Security Forces Squadron
제436군수즉응대대 / 436th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제436계약대대 / 436th Contracting Squadron
제436부대지원대대 / 436th Force Support Squadron - 제436작전전대 / 436th Operations Group
제436작전지원대대 / 436th Operations Support Squadron
제3공수비행대대 / 3rd Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제9공수비행대대 / 9th Airlift Squadron[C-5M]
- 제437공수비행단 / 437th Airlift Wing
- 제437작전전대 / 437th Operations Group
제14공수비행대대 / 14th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제15공수비행대대 /15th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제16공수비행대대 /16th Airlift Squadron[C-17A]
제437작전지원대대 / 437th Operations Support Squadron - 제437정비전대 / 437th Maintenance Group
제437공중항만대대 / 437th Aerial Port Squadron
제437항공기정비대대 / 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제437정비작전대대 / 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron
제437정비대대 / 437th Maintenance Squadron
===# 공군원정센터 / Air Force Expeditionary Center #===
- 제43공중기동작전전대 / 43rd Air Mobility Operations
- 제43부대지원대대 / 43rd Force Support Squadron
- 제43공중기동대대 / 43rd Air Mobility Squadron
- 제43감사대대 / 43rd Comptroller Squadron
- 제43의무대대 / 43rd Medical Squadron
- 제43작전지원대대 / 43rd Operations Support Squadron
- 제43통신대대 / 43rd Communications Squadron
- 제49전투훈련대대 / 49th Combat Training Squadron
- 제34전투훈련대대 / 34th Combat Training Squadron
- 제87공군기지비행단 / 87th Air Base Wing
- 제87임무지원전대 / 87th Mission Support Group
제87통신대대 / 87th Communications Squadron
제87계약대대 / 87th Contracting Squadron
제87군수즉응대대 / 87th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제87군사경찰대대 / 87th Security Forces Squadron
제87부대지원대대 / 87th Force Support Squadron - 제87의무전대 / 87th Medical Group
제87보건작전대대 / 87th Healthcare Operations Squadron
제87작전의무즉응대대 / 87th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron
제87의무지원대대 / 87th Medical Support Squadron - 제87토목공병전대 / 87th Civil Engineer Group
제87토목공병대대 / 87th Civil Engineer Squadron
제787토목공병대대 / 787th Civil Engineer Squadron
- 제515공중기동작전비행단 / 515th Air Mobility Operations Wing
- 제515공중기동작전전대 / 515th Air Mobility Operations Group
제730공중기동대대 / 730th Air Mobility Squadron
제731공중기동대대 / 731st Air Mobility Squadron
제733공중기동대대 / 733rd Air Mobility Squadron - 제715공중기동작전전대 / 715th Air Mobility Operations Group
제732공중기동대대 / 732nd Air Mobility Squadron
제734공중기동대대 / 734th Air Mobility Squadron
제735공중기동대대 / 735th Air Mobility Squadron
- 제521공중기동작전비행단 / 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing
- 제521공중기동작전전대 / 521st Air Mobility Operations Group
제724공중기동대대 / 724th Air Mobility Squadron
제725공중기동대대 / 725th Air Mobility Squadron
제728공중기동대대 / 728th Air Mobility Squadron
제8원정공중기동대대 / 8th Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron - 제521공중기동작전전대 / 721st Air Mobility Operations Group
제721공중항만대대 / 721st Aerial Port Squadron
제721기동지원대대 / 721st Mobility Support Squadron
제721항공기정비대대 / 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
제726공중기동대대 / 726th Air Mobility Squadron
제727공중기동대대 / 727th Air Mobility Squadron
- 제621비상대응비행단 / 621st Contingency Response Wing
- 제621공중기동자문전대 / 621st Air Mobility Advisory Group
제321공중기동작전대대 / 321st Air Mobility Operations Squadron
제521공중기동작전대대 / 621st Air Mobility Operations Squadron
제571기동지원자문대대 / 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron
제621기동지원작전대대 / 621st Mobility Support Operations Squadron
제818기동지원자문대대 / 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron - 제621비상대응전대 / 621st Contingency Response Group
제321비상대응대대 / 321st Contingency Response Squadron
제521비상대응대대 / 521st Contingency Response Squadron
제621비상대응대대 / 621st Contingency Response Squadron
제621비상대응지원대대 / 621st Contingency Response Support Squadron - 제821비상대응전대 / 821st Contingency Response Group
제721비상대응대대 / 721st Contingency Response Squadron
제821비상대응대대 / 821st Contingency Response Squadron
제821비상대응지원대대 / 821st Contingency Response Support Squadron
제921비상대응대대 / 921st Contingency Response Squadron
- 제627공군기지전대 / 627th Air Base Group
- 제627군사경찰대대 / 627th Security Forces Squadron
- 제627부대지원대대 / 627th Force Support Squadron
- 제627군수즉응대대 / 627th Logistics Readiness Squadron
- 제627통신대대 / 627th Communications Squadron
- 제627토목공병대대 / 627th Civil Engineer Squadron
- 제628공군기지비행단 / 628th Air Base Wing
- 제628임무지원전대 / 628th Mission Support Group
제628토목공병대대 / 628th Civil Engineer Squadron
제628통신대대 / 628th Communications Squadron
제628계약대대 / 628th Contracting Squadron
제628부대지원대대 / 628th Force Support Squadron
제628군수즉응대대 / 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron
제628군사경찰대대 / 628th Security Forces Squadron - 제628의무전대 / 628th Medical Group
- 제628감사전대 / 628th Comptroller Squadron
- 공군원정작전학교 / USAF Expeditionary Operations School
[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-46A] KC-46A 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[C-130H] C-130H 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-5M] C-5M 운용 부대.[KC-10] KC-10 운용 부대.[KC-10] KC-10 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-32A] C-32A 운용 부대.[C-40B] C-40B 운용 부대.[C-37A/B] C-37A/B 운용 부대.[VC-25A] VC-25A 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[KC-46A] KC-46A 운용 부대.[KC-10] KC-10 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[C-40C] C-40C 운용 부대.[C-21A] C-21A 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-5M] C-5M 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.