{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 7px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, black, black)" {{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; min-width: 100%;" {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" {{{#fff {{{#!folding [ Discography ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | <tablewidth=100%> | ||||
1999.06.29 | 2001.08.28 | 2004.05.24 | 2008.08.26 | 2014.10.21 | |
2019.08.09 | 2022.09.30 |
Slipknot의 주요 수상 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slipknot | |
<colbgcolor=#3B0B0B><colcolor=#FFFFFF> 발매일 | 1999년 6월 29일 |
장르 | 뉴 메탈 |
재생 시간 | 60:26 |
곡 수 | 15곡 |
프로듀서 | 로스 로빈슨, 슬립낫 |
스튜디오 | 인디고 랜치 스튜디오 |
레이블 | 로드러너 레코드 |
1. 개요
| |
1집 컨셉샷 |
슬립낫의 데뷔 앨범이자 셀프 타이틀 음반. 뉴 메탈의 새로운 거두로 앉혀준 씬의 대표적 작품 중 하나다.
2. 상세
그야말로 슬립낫의 알파이자 오메가라 할 수 있는 앨범. 오프닝의 음산한 분위기를 시작해 〈(Sic)〉으로 순식간에 분위기를 휘몰아쳐 통칭 SEWSS[1]로 불리는 빡센 트랙을 필두로 쉴 틈 없이 달리는 게 특징이다. 라이브 앨범인 (Sic)nesses에서도 1집 앨범의 트랙을 다량 찾아볼 수 있다. 괴기스러움, 분노, 쉴 새 없이 달리는 파워. 그리고 9명이나 되는 멤버들의 파트를 모두 활용한, 특히 삐끗하면 존재감 없이 묻히기 십상인 디제잉이나 샘플링의 경우도 깔끔하게 소화해 낸 앨범으로써 그야말로 뉴메탈 매니아들의 바이블 격 앨범. 그야말로 모 아니면 도 식으로 모든 것을 쏟아부은 앨범인지라 사운드도 슬립낫 앨범 중 오랜 시간 지났는데도 제일 빡센 분위기를 풍기는 앨범이고, 거의 많은 팬들에게 레전드 격으로 추앙받는 앨범이다.발매 당시 음악계는 너바나의 영향으로 얼터너티브가 성행하였고 그와 동시에 메탈리카 등의 기성 메탈밴드들이 기존보다 소프트하고 대중적인 음악을 지향하기 시작하면서, 강렬하고 헤비한 사운드를 예찬하던 메탈헤드들은 음악시장에 실망과 혐오, 불쾌함을 느끼고 있었다. 물론 얼터너티브 이외에도 뉴메탈이 유행을 선도하며 영향력을 행사하고 있었지만 아무래도 헤비메탈, 스레쉬메탈 등과 비교하면 파티 뮤직/라디오송 구성에 가까운 감이 없잖아 있었기에 기존 매니아들을 만족시키기에는 역부족이었던 것이다. 그런데 세기말에 등장한 슬립낫은 기존 뉴메탈과는 비교도 되지 않는 강렬한 사운드는 물론이고 가면을 통한 시각적 괴기함과 개성까지 선보였으니, 갈피를 잃었던 수많은 메탈매니아와 힙스터들이 열광하게 된 것이었다. 그에 따라 슬립낫 매니아들은 급속도로 불어나기 시작하였고, 음반발매 1주일 만에 1만 장을 판매할 정도로 상업적인 성공을 거두었다. 지금까지 이른 판매량이 대략 250만 장이니 장르를 고려하면 대박 쳤다고 할 수밖에 없다.
국내에 라이센스 된 것도 사연이 있는데, 99년 당시 지구레코드를 통하여 이 앨범이 발매되었다. 당시 지구반은 총 19 트랙이었고, 〈Purity〉도 있었다. 그런데 얼마 후 지구레코드가 부도가 나 문을 닫아, 그 이후로는 유니버설 뮤직 코리아에서 재발매를 하여 노래가 대거 삭제되고, 14 트랙만으로 내놓았다.
3. 제작 배경
1998년 9월 29일, 슬립낫은 녹음을 위해 아이오와주 디모인을 떠나 캘리포니아주 말리부의 인디고 랜치 스튜디오로 이동했다. 프로듀서인 로스 로빈슨은 밴드의 스타일 변화에 큰 역할을 했는데, 로빈슨은 슬립낫 라이브 공연의 특징인 강렬함이 앨범에 생생하게 담기게 하고 싶어 했다.[2] 3일 만에 모든 드럼이 녹음되었고, 실험적인 섹션과 기타 솔로를 잘라내고 단순한 메탈 사운드를 녹음하게 했다. 1998년 11월 11일에 앨범 녹음이 거의 완료되어 밴드는 아이오와로 돌아오게 되었는데, 모든 트랙을 녹음했었던 기타리스트 조쉬 브레이너드가 갑자기 밴드를 탈퇴했다.[3] 대체자는 코리 테일러와 함께 스톤 사워에서 활동하던 기타리스트 짐 루트가 들어오게 되었다.1999년 2월, 밴드는 새로운 기타리스트 짐 루트와 함께 스튜디오로 돌아왔는데, 이 기간 동안 〈Purity〉라는 새로운 곡을 녹음했다. 다만 앨범 믹싱 단계는 매우 어려운 작업이었는데, 드러머 조이 조디슨과 프로듀서 로스 로빈슨이 당시 더 일반적이었던 디지털 형식을 사용하는 방법 대신 아날로그 장비로 전체 앨범을 손수 마스터링했기 때문이었다.
4. 트랙 리스트
원 앨범엔 모든 곡의 작사와 작곡이 슬립낫으로 표기되어 있다. 서술되어 있는 칸은 본인들이 인터뷰 등에서 직접 언급한 부분이다.- 오리지널 발매반
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table" | <tablebordercolor=#3B0B0B><tablebgcolor=#3B0B0B> | Slipknot Original Track listing | }}} | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] | <rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 재생 시간 |
1 | 742617000027 | - | #5 - 크레이그 존스 | 0:36 | |
2 | (Sic) | 슬립낫 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 3:20 | |
3 | Eyeless | #8 - 코리 테일러 | 슬립낫 | 3:56 | |
4 | Wait and Bleed | #1 - 조이 조디슨 | 2:27 | ||
5 | Surfacing | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #7 - 믹 톰슨 | 3:38 | |
6 | Spit It Out | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언, #7 - 믹 톰슨 | 2:39 | |
7 | Tattered & Torn | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 2:54 | |
8 | Frail Limb Nursery | - | 슬립낫 | 0:45 | |
9 | Purity | #8 - 코리 테일러 | 4:14 | ||
10 | Liberate | 슬립낫 | 3:06 | ||
11 | Prosthetics | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #8 - 코리 테일러 | 4:58 | ||
12 | No Life | #8 - 코리 테일러 | 2:47 | ||
13 | Diluted | #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #5 - 크레이그 존스, #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 3:23 | |
14 | Only One | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 2:26 | |
15 | Scissors[4] | #1 - 조이 조디슨 | 슬립낫 | 19:15 | |
- 1999년 12월 재발매반[5]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table" | <tablebordercolor=#3B0B0B><tablebgcolor=#3B0B0B> | Slipknot Reissue Track listing | }}} | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] | <rowcolor=#fff> 트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 재생 시간 |
1 | 742617000027 | - | #5 - 크레이그 존스 | 0:36 | |
2 | (Sic) | 슬립낫 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 3:20 | |
3 | Eyeless | #8 - 코리 테일러 | 슬립낫 | 3:56 | |
4 | Wait and Bleed | #1 - 조이 조디슨 | 2:27 | ||
5 | Surfacing | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #7 - 믹 톰슨 | 3:38 | |
6 | Spit It Out | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언, #7 - 믹 톰슨 | 2:39 | |
7 | Tattered & Torn | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 2:54 | |
8 | Me Inside | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 0:45 | |
9 | Liberate | 슬립낫 | 슬립낫 | 3:06 | |
10 | Prosthetics | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #8 - 코리 테일러 | 4:58 | ||
11 | No Life | #8 - 코리 테일러 | 2:47 | ||
12 | Diluted | #8 - 코리 테일러 | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #5 - 크레이그 존스, #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 3:23 | |
13 | Only One | #1 - 조이 조디슨, #2 - 폴 그레이, #6 - 숀 크레이언, #8 - 코리 테일러 | #6 - 숀 크레이언 | 2:26 | |
14 | Scissors[6] | #1 - 조이 조디슨 | 슬립낫 | 19:15 | |
4.1. 742617000027
742617000027 | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) (The whole thing I think it's sick) |
괴기해보이기도 하는 이 제목은 데모 앨범인 Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.의 바코드 번호에서 따온 제목이다. 트랙을 음산하게 개막시키는 (Sic)의 인트로이며 반복되는 음성 샘플은 찰스 맨슨 다큐멘터리 영화 속 코리 허스트의 발언을 샘플링한 것이다.
4.2. (Sic)
(Sic) | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Pain (Here comes the pain!)[7] Enemy, show me what you wanna be I can handle anything even if I can't handle you Readily, either way, it better be Don't you fucking pity me, get up, get off What the hell am I saying? I don't know about malevolent Sure as hell decadent, I want somebody to step up, step off Walls, let me fall, fuck you all Get a grip, don't let me slip till I drop the ball Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it, you're going down, this is a war Fuck it! Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind? You're leaving me suspect, I'm leaving you grotesque Feels like a burn from which you never learn Cause and effect you jealous ass, press your face against the glass, suffer Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it, you're going down, this is a war Go I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you Sick, sick, sick, sick Yeah |
데모 앨범인 Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.의 첫 곡 〈Slipknot〉을 기반으로 만들어진 곡이다. 거칠고 난폭하며 공포스럽기까지 한 슬립낫의 컨셉이 잘 드러나는 곡으로, 2집의 'People=Shit', 4집의 'Psychosocial'과 더불어 슬립낫의 대표곡으로 여겨진다.
4.3. Eyeless
Eyeless | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Yeah! Insane, am I the only motherfucker with a brain? I'm hearing voices but all they do is complain How many times have you wanted to kill Everything and everyone, say you'll do it but never will You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes[8] Can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes I am my father's son 'Cause he's a phantom, a mystery and that leaves me nothing! How many times have you wanted to die? It's too late for me, all you have to do is get rid of me! You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes Can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes It's all in your head It's all in my head It's all in your head Yeah! I tried, you lied to me for so long Everywhere I go, there's a sense of it Freak on my antics and give me a choice Doesn't matter if I give a shit, it's shit that you gave me You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes Can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes It's all in your head It's all in my head It's all in your head Yeah! Do you wanna feel pain? Takin' my name in vain Caring never felt so lame inside Anybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life? Maybe I'll reverse my ride Who the fuck are you? Fuck you! Better suck it up 'cause you bled through Better get away from me Stay the fuck away from me I feel safe; seems you're saved I feel safe; seems you're saved Look me in my brand new eye Look me in my brand new eye Look me in my brand new eye Motherfucker! Look me in my brand new eye Look me in my brand new eye Look me in my brand new eye Look me in my brand new... |
라이브에선 보통 시드 윌슨의 스크래치로 시작한다. 스크래치 후 재생되는 드럼 브레이크는 미국의 소울 그룹 Winstons의 곡 'Amen, Brother'의 드럼 브레이크[9]를 샘플링한 것이며, 샘플이 끝나는 부분에선 영화 비디오드롬 중 "Ease Yourself Back Into Conciousness."라는 대사 샘플이 크게 왜곡되어 들어갔다.
보컬 코리 테일러가 작사를 맡았는데, 어렸을 때 자신을 떠난 아버지를 생각하며 작사했다고 한다.
4.4. Wait and Bleed
Wait and Bleed | ||
| ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed Goodbye I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time Everything is 3D blasphemy My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up This is not the way I pictured me I can't control my shakes, how the hell did I get here? Something about this, so very wrong I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this Is it a dream or a memory? I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed Get outta my head 'cause I don't need this, why didn't I see this? But I'm a victim, Manchurian candidate I have sinned by just Making my mind up and taking your breath away I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed Goodbye! You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing The flesh was in my bones The pain was always free You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing The flesh was in my bones The pain was always free I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed And it waits for you |
코리 테일러의 클린 보컬과 그로울링을 동시에 들을 수 있는 트랙으로, 대중적인 멜로디를 가져 팬들은 물론 일반인들에게도 높은 인기를 얻는 대표곡이다. 인기에 힘입어 1999년 7월 첫 싱글로도 발매되었다.
크리스 펜은 이 곡이 그렇게 유명해질 줄 몰랐다고 언급했고#, 코리 테일러는 슬립낫 곡 중 가장 과대평가된 곡으로 이 곡을 선정했다.#
두 버전의 뮤직 비디오가 있는데, 첫 번째 뮤직 비디오는 1999년 7월 31일에 진행한 아이오와주 디모인 앤케니 비행장 공연 영상이며, 두 번째 뮤직 비디오는 멤버들이 인형처럼 등장하는 클레이 애니메이션이다.
4.5. Surfacing
Surfacing | ||
| ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Fuck you all! Running out of ways to run I can't see, I can't be Over and over and under my skin All this attention is doing me in Fuck it all, fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong, don't exist! Don't give a shit, don't ever judge me! Picking through the parts exposed Taking shape, taking shag Over and over and under my skin All this momentum is doing me in Fuck it all, fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong, don't exist! Don't give a shit, don't ever judge me! And don't you fucking judge me! Burn! You got all my love, living in your own hate Dripping hole man, hard step, no fate Show you nothing, but I ain't holding back Every damn word I say is a sneak attack When I get my hands on you Ain't a fucking thing you can do Get this 'cause you're never gonna get me I am the very disease you pretend to be I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move Fuck it all, fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong, don't exist! Don't give a shit, don't ever judge me! Fuck it all, fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong, don't exist! Don't give a shit, don't ever judge me! Burn! |
믹 톰슨의 날카롭고 찢어지는 듯한 밴딩과 태핑 주법으로 시작되는 곡. 폴 그레이는 믹 톰슨과 함께 활동했었던 밴드 'Body Pit'의 곡에서 기타 리프[10]를 따와 이 곡을 작곡했다고 밝혔다.
원래는 이 곡을 두 번째 싱글로 발매하려 했으나, 〈Spit It Out〉을 대신 발매했다고 한다.
곡 중간마다 들리는 스크래치는 노먼 쿡의 샘플 모음집 'Skip To My Loops!'의 72번 트랙 중 Oh No! 부분의 샘플이다.
앨범 발매 25주년을 맞이하여 2024년 6월에 뮤직 비디오가 공식 유튜브에 공개되었다. 뮤직 비디오는 슬립낫의 비디오앨범 'Welcome to Our Neighborhood'에 공연 영상으로 수록되어 있던 것이며, 베이스의 소리가 더욱 강조되게 믹스되었다.
4.6. Spit It Out
Spit It Out | ||
| ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Did you never give a damn in the first place? Maybe it's time you had the tables turned 'Cause in the interest of all involved, I got the problem solved And the verdict is guilty... Man nearly killed me, steppin' where you fear to tread Stop, drop and roll - you were dead from the git-go! Big mouth fucker, stupid cocksucker Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought Always is, and never was Foundation made of piss and vinegar Step to me, I'll smear ya - think I fear you? Bullshit! Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit Is there any way to break through the noise? Was it something that I said that got you bent? Gotta be that way if you want it Sanity, literal profanity - hit me! Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out Maybe it's the way you gotta spread a lot of rumor fodder Keepin' all your little spies and leavin' when you realize Step up, fairy I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome straight to the dome You heard me right, bitch, I didn't stutter And if you know what's good just shut up and beg, brother Backstab - don't you know who you're dissin'? Sideswipe - we know the ass that you're kissin'! Biggity-biggidy bitch boy, halfway houser Don't hear shit 'cause it keeps gettin' louder Come up and you get a face full o' tactic Lippin' off hard, goin' home in a basket You got no pull, no power, no nothin' Now you start shit? Well ain't that somethin'? Payoffs don't protect, and you can hide if you want But I'll find you - comin' up behind you! Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out 'Bout time I set this record straight All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears Where you gonna be in the next five years? The crew and all the fools and all the politics Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick You got dick when they passed out the good stuff Bam - are you sick of me? Good enough - had enough Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Fuck me! I'm all out of enemies! Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out Spit it out All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out Spit, spit, spit Spit, spit it out |
두 번째 싱글컷 트랙. 1997년 8월 코리 테일러가 보컬로 영입된 후 작곡되었다고 한다.
원래 1998년 데모의 첫 곡으로 녹음되었다가 정식 발매 때 다시 녹음할 계획이었는데, 그 결과 여러 가지 버전의 리믹스들이 생겨났다. 하지만 멤버들은 데모 버전보다 못하다며 재녹음에 만족하지 못했고, 결국 정식 발매에선 데모 녹음을 사용했다.
뮤직 비디오는 공포 영화 샤이닝을 패러디했다.
라이브 'Zero Bullshit' 모음집 |
2절 후렴이 끝난 후의 샘플은 General Degree의 'Papa Lover (Dark Remix)'의 일부분을 샘플링한 것이다.
XXXTENTACION의 크루 Members Only의 컴필레이션 앨범 3집 수록곡 'Off the Wall!'에 이 곡의 인트로가 샘플링되었다.
4.7. Tattered & Torn
Tattered & Torn | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Kill me! (Tattered & torn) Something aches (Tattered & torn) Bad things slither (Tattered & torn) My floors are burning down (Tattered & torn) And I can't find a window (Tattered & torn) This is medieval (Tattered & torn) This is cerebral (Tattered & torn) Suffocated (Tattered & torn) Melodramatic (Tattered & torn) Driven to the verge of (Tattered & torn) I make you my enemy (Tattered & torn) The nerves you sever (Tattered & torn) Can serve you better (Tattered & torn) In the blink of an eye (Tattered & torn) In the space of a second (Tattered & torn) Open my wrists (Tattered & torn) Give me my lessons Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me... Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt |
데모 앨범인 Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.의 트랙 〈Tattered & Torn〉을 기반으로 만들어진 트랙이다.
앨범 발매 이후 한 번도 라이브를 하지 않다가 2024년 1집 25주년 기념 투어에서 라이브가 공개되었다.
E SENS의 정규앨범 저금통의 선공개곡 'DIE (Feat. Paul Blanco)'의 샘플로 이 곡이 쓰였다. 하지만 샘플 클리어 문제 때문인지 앨범에 수록되지 못했고 E SENS의 유튜브에서도 내려갔다.
4.8. Frail Limb Nursery
Frail Limb Nursery | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Go on, what about the boy? She lay as though she were in a trance With her long eyelashes fluttering like she was dreaming She said to him "I lie beyond the sea" And then all of a sudden her head dipped back, and she vanished Gone, gone without a trace A tuohtiw enog, enog (Gone, gone without a) She's never coming back Do you know what it's like to live with that? No one knows what it's like The only one who knew me, gone I know what you want, and I can give it to you So tired, so tired and hungry, tired Have you ever seen God? |
전후 트랙을 매끄럽게 이어주는 한 소녀의 독백.
트랙 자체는 'Crime Scene'이라는 픽션 웹사이트에서 따온 45초 길이의 샘플이며, 첫 발매 버전에서만 수록되었고 이후 저작권 문제로 아래의 〈Purity〉와 함께 삭제되었다. 하지만 10주년 기념 앨범에서 다시 수록된 'Purity'와는 달리 이 곡은 전체가 수록되지 못하고 'Purity'의 전주로 아웃트로가 편집되어 들어갔다.[11]
4.9. Purity
Purity | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Maze, psychopathic daze, I create this waste Back away from tangents, on the verge of drastic ways Can't escape this place, I deny your face Sweat gets in my eyes, I think I'm slowly dying Put me in a homemade cellar Put me in a hole for shelter Someone hear me please, all I see is hate I can hardly breathe and I can hardly take it Hands on my face overbearing I can't get out Hands on my face overbearing I can't Lost, run at my own cost, hearing laughter, scoffed Learning from the rush, detached from such and such Bleak, all around me, weak listening, incomplete I am not a dog, but I'm the one you're dogging I am in a buried kennel I have never felt so final Someone find me please, losing all reserve I'm fucking gone, I think I'm fucking dying Hands on my face overbearing I can't get out Hands on my face overbearing I can't You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something in you I despise Cut me, show me, enter I am willing and able and never any danger to myself Knowledge in my pain, knowledge in my pain Or was my tolerance a phase? Empathy, out of my way I can't die, I can't die I can't die, I can't die You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something inside me You all stare, but you'll never see There's something in you I despise Despise, despise Purity, purity, purity, purity Purity, purity, purity, purity |
1998년 데모 앨범 수록곡 중 하나였던 'Despise'에서 컨셉을 바꿔 제작된 곡.
코리 테일러는 'Crime Scene'이라는 웹사이트에서 땅속에 산 채로 매장당한 소녀인 'Adrianne Purity Knight'의 사건 내용을 보고 영감을 얻어[12] 'Despise'의 가사를 약간 수정했다. 코리 테일러는 이 사건이 실제로 일어난 일인줄 알았지만,[13] 사실 'Crime Scene'은 허구의 이야기를 실제 범죄 사건 문서처럼 꾸민 사이트였다. 해당 문서를 만든 작가는 저작권 침해 소송을 걸었고, 결국 슬립낫은 리이슈 앨범부터 〈Frail Limb Nusery〉과 이 곡을 삭제하고 대신 〈Me Inside〉를 대신 넣어 발매했다.
하지만 공연에선 이 곡을 자주 연주했고, 2집 라이브 앨범 'Disaterpieces'와 3집 라이브 앨범 '9.0 Live'에선 수록곡으로 실렸으며, 10주년 기념 앨범에도 원곡이 다시 실렸다.
10주년 기념 앨범 버전에선 인트로를 'Frail Limb Nusery'의 아웃트로와 통합시켰다.
4.10. Me Inside
Me Inside | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Inside, inside, inside, inside Inside, inside, inside, inside Giving in to what has got me Bleeding claustrophobic, scarred Severed me from all emotion Life is just too fucking hard Snap, your face was all it took 'Cause this need ain't doing me no good Fall on my face, but can't you see? This fucking life is killing me Tearing me inside Tearing me inside Tearing me inside Tearing me inside Too far gone, I'm catatonic Leaving you to criticize Empty shell and running naked All alone, lobotomized Back and forth between my hang-ups It isn't easy to be hated Where do ya go? What do ya do? Simpleton, impromptu Crazy eight, I never cared Not once, got to get away Tearing me inside Tearing me inside Tearing me inside Tearing me inside I wasn't promised a thing You keep mocking me But you will never again Before you know it, after you're gone You're gone, you're gone Somos feos y apestamos pero reinamos todo, motherfucker (We are ugly and we suck but we rule everything, motherfucker) You're gone, you're gone I wasn't promised a thing You keep mocking me But you will never again Before you know it, after you're gone Gone, gone, gone Pray |
초판엔 실리지 않은 리이슈 발매부터 삽입된 곡. 저작권 침해 소송으로 인해 〈Frail Limb Nursery〉와 〈Purity〉를 삭제하고 대신 이 곡을 넣었다.
이전 보컬리스트였던 앤더스 콜세프니가 작사했던 곡으로, 코리 테일러가 밴드에 합류했을 때 처음으로 녹음한 곡이였다고 한다.
4.11. Liberate
Liberate | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Liberate my madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate my madness I just want to liberate my madness! (One of me, all of you) Liberate my madness! Section off myself Put a wall up, what the hell have I done? Keep the dog at bay Survive by saving me Values and the game Not a fuck-up, not a part of your lie I am one, I am all, I'm above and beyond Stand off of the shit Back off or I'll spit So soft, you forget (Your garbage in is garbage out) You don't give a shit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this (Your garbage in is garbage out) Liberate my madness... Liberate my madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate my madness I just want to liberate my madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate my madness I am not ashamed What is vital isn't always humane You can break in vain But you can't break away Even in my face Lot of bullshit, not a lotta the truth I can't see from here But I can smell your fear Back off of the shit Stand off or I'll spit So soft, you forget (Your garbage in is garbage out) You don't give a shit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this (Your garbage in is garbage out) Saved, you're such a slave, I don't expect a name You don't care, I wasn't witness, I can't be a part of a system such as this Hard eyes glow right in my darkness again with the sickness Renegade sisters, blisters, salivate, litigate, liberate Madness, sadness, fuck this, how long have I had this? I don't need this outta my business Insert, engage, betrayed, my God Fraud, fraud, fraud! Liberate my madness Liberate my madness I just want to liberate my madness Liberate my madness |
라이브에선 기타 전주를 더욱 끌어 흥을 돋구고 시작한다.
해외에서는 "Liberate my madness" 부분이 "Lemonade Banana"라고 들리는 몬더그린으로 유명하다.(...)
4.12. Prosthetics
Prosthetics | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Even if you run, I will find you I decided I want you, now I know I need If you can't be bought, tougher than I thought Keep in mind, I'm with you Never left out fate, can't concentrate Even if you run You will be mine! A fucking you will be mine! A fucking you will be mine! A fucking you will be mine! I found you Leanin' out of an open window You laughed, your fingers clenched Too perfect, far too careless I couldn't help myself, I just took you Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake Better make yourself at home, you're here to stay You won't bother me if you let me bother you All the doors are locked, all the windows shut Keep in mind, I watch you Never leave my side, never leave me, fucker Even if you run What the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this And what the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this What the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this And what the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this What the fuck is different? I can't believe I'm doin' it What the fuck is different? I can't believe I'm doin' it What the fuck is different? I can't believe I'm doin' it What the fuck is different? I can't believe I'm doin' it Man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake Damn it, man, I knew it was a mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) Mistake (You have brought it out of me) |
1965년 공포 영화 'The Collector'에서 영감을 받아[14] 작사되었다고 한다.
40초부터 나오는 비명과 효과음은 Ish Ledesma의 'Scream for Daddy'를 샘플링한 것이다.
4.13. No Life
No Life | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | My freedom is best Whole country's on house arrest And everyone's a suspect You can't feel the flow because you died Face down on a "suicide" The motherfucker's on self-destruct Nobody guardin' your back, it's all a front Save this! My rage is bliss! I'm takin' names and gettin' pissed! Where's Chuck D when ya need him? You ain't shit, just a puddle on the bed spread The maniac psycho Cool J screamed the shit but I still can't believe it Man, it's funny that you scare me so Just enough to fuck me up again and again Hard life is hard as hell Better back the fuck on up 'Cause this is... No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me) Can't be real no more, your mask is skin and bone Savor every flavor you got 'cause it's not your own Bad-ass at bat, man Forget about the battle, it's the war we gotta win Breathe, amer-cult, breathe! One more seethe! Freak like you gotta pair, won't be my fault When you're painted in the corner of a no-good life This is... No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me) I can't remember, I don't understand Is it malice that makes you this way? Carry it with you 'til someone forgives you I laugh 'cause there's nothing to say You can't begin to consider the palpable hate In the air when you're here None of us wonder what weather you're under You're making it perfectly clear Lights ain't on, shit ain't right Never had peace but I gotta fight Can you look in my eyes when my back's against the wall? Slash at my eyes, surprise, you'll never get me You're all reality and sound bites And the freedom is never in plain sight The feelings, the question The price is too human for fucking sake This is... No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me) I can't be! I can't be! I can't be blamed! |
4.14. Diluted
Diluted | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | I'm cold, I'm ugly I'm always confused by everything I can stare into a thousand eyes But every smile hides a bold-faced lie It itches, it seethes, it festers and breathes My heroes are dead, they died in my head Thin out the herd, squeeze out the pain Something inside me has opened up again Thoughts of me exemplified, all the little flaws I have denied Forget today, forget whatever happened Every day I see a little more of overall deficiencies I'm nothing short of being one complete catastrophe What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? I save all the bullets from ignorant minds Your insults get stuck in my teeth as they grind Way past good taste, on our way to bad omens I decrease, while my symptoms increase God, what the fuck is wrong? You act like you knew it all along Your timing sucks, your silence is a blessing All I ever wanted out of you was something you could never be Now take a real good look at what you've fucking done to me What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? ("I haven't got time for the living.")[15] ("I haven't got time for the living.") Give me any reason why I'd need you, boy Give me any reason why I'd need you Give me any reason why I'd need you, boy Give me any reason not to fuck you up Give me any reason why I'd need you, bitch Give me any reason why I'd need you Give me any reason why I'd need you, bitch Give me any reason not to fuck you up I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I see you in me I keep my scars from prying eyes, incapable of ever knowing why Somebody breathe, I've got to have an answer Why am I so fascinated by bigger pictures, better things? But I don't care what you think, you'll never understand me What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? What the hell Did I do to deserve all of this? Fuck! (I'm empty...) (I'm empty...) |
1998년 데모 앨범 수록곡 〈Interloper〉를 기반으로 만들어진 곡.
유일하게 라이브로 한 번도 공연되지 못한 곡이다.
4.15. Only One
Only One | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Pain, made to order Pain, made to order Pain, made to order Pain I'm not the second coming, I'm the first wave Better get an army 'cause the fire left me unscathed You bet your bottom dollar I'm the top of the shit pile So stick around 'cause I'll get to you in just a few Step off the achtung, get back or get stung Idiotic sense of yourself, are you that dumb? Entire legion of me, totalitarian The one and only motherfucker, top of the world, man 'Cause I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash, land it In other words, consider me branded Another version of me, another version of you Both barrels, what you gonna do? All I hear is human noise You made your own fucking choice I belong to only me Silence for my revelry I can only die over time Filthy hands, stay away from mine Every reason is a right to hate Painful clutch, death is fine, give me mine Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Somebody explain this You don't care 'cause you don't exist What the fuck is this another joke? Reckoning Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away Only one of us walks away |
데모 앨범인 Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.의 곡 〈Only One〉을 기반으로 만들어진 트랙이다.
인트로는 스래쉬 메탈 밴드 슬레이어의 'South of Heaven'의 일부분을 샘플링한 것이다.
4.16. Scissors
Scissors | ||
| ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | I play doctor for five minutes flat Before I cut my heart open and let the air out Three bugs, a pound of dust, some wind spilled before me In the strangest manner that had broke away my tear spout As I lie there with my tongue spread wide open A black widow had offered me a sweetheart tube As I injected the candied heart that I selected She said don't hesitate, just do what you have to do to me It's hard to stay between the lines of skin Just 'cause I have nerves, don't mean that I can feel I wasn't very much fun to be with anyway Just let the blood run red 'cause I can't feel It's hard to stay between the lines of skin Just 'cause I have nerves, don't mean that I can feel I wasn't very much fun to be with anyway Just let the blood run red 'cause I can't feel Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time, it's time Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time, it's time Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time, it's time Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time, it's time Biding, biding, biding, biding Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Someone in behind me Someone inside me Everyone against me Everyone beside me Clawing away the pieces Scratching away the abscess One more, two more Everyone, once more One more, two more Everyone, once more Inside the places that I hide from you I want to see you splayed before me You are the only one That I would rather see before me You want it, you need it You want it, you need it You want it, you need it You want it, you need it Don't lie; I die, you lie; I lie, oh, why? I don't want you to pay anyone when I die I wanna die, I'd rather die, I wanna die You purge, you burn, you purge I don't need you anymore, I don't need you It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! It is time! |
데모 원제는 'Heartache and a Pair of Scissors'였지만 제목을 수정하고 약간의 가사를 더 붙여서 새로 녹음되었다.
8분 20초 가량의 곡이 끝나면 아무 소리도 들리지 않다가 13분 24초부터 히든 트랙이 나오기 시작한다.
뮤직 비디오는 슬립낫의 비디오앨범 'Welcome to Our Neighborhood'에 DVD로 수록되어 있다.
10주년 기념 앨범 버전에선 뒤의 히든 트랙을 자르고 8분 26초로 수록되었다.
4.16.1. Mudslide (Hidden Track)
Mudslide | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | "Does this not bother any of you guys?" "Shawn you need to shoot from the bathroom door out so you don't get any on the..." "Yeah Shawn go over there." "Shawn.." "Is that your aunt?" "Hahaha" "Dude, my frat burger is comin' back up dude" "No Shit" "Oh God... hahaha" "Oh look at that" "Oh God damnit" "Ah Dude" "Shit!" "No... dude" "Look at that poo face she got goin' on.." "Oh no I'm not here dude" "Dude my eyes are watering" "Haha oh.." "Oh, oh man let it roll" "She gotta 5 o'clock shadow" "HAHA" "Ah hell no dude" "Oh god" "Fuckers" "I'm tearin' up" "Fuckin' God dude" "She's all about it" "She can't get enough!" "Hahaha" "Pretend it's pudding, pretend it's pudding" "Dude, that's some chunky pudding" "He's watchin her" "He/she's gonna take off" "He's all checkin' it out now" "HAHA" "She's all about that shit, she's all about it dude" "Oh wait this part... check this out dude" "It don't bother me at all" "Oh, oh she's fucked" "Hey hey hey... Chris" "No dude" "She's covered in it dude" "Ah" "She's rinsing it... she just beat him off dude" "Fuckin' A dude" "Oh oh god..." "Woo!" "Hahaha" "Oh my god" "Ohohoh, my god" "I've never seen anything ruder in my life, dude" "Chris, Chris look at this one..." "Oh" "Chris" "Oh, I'm done, done, I'm done with it dude, I am done with it dude" "Chris, Chris look" "No I can't... I will puke, and I don't want to puke dude" "You guys gotta shut the fuck up dude" "Oh" "This is sick dude, sick... This is sick" |
〈Scissors〉에 포함되어 있는 히든 트랙으로, 포르노 영상을 틀면서 멤버들끼리 하는 대화가 녹음되어 있다. 멤버들의 반응과 묘사하는 대화를 보면 스카톨로지 포르노로 추정되며, 중간중간 크리스 펜이 구토하는 소리도 들린다.
10주년 기념 앨범 버전에선 삭제되었다.
4.16.2. Eeyore (Hidden Track)
Eeyore | ||
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding 가사 ▼ {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Meet the man that made me Greet the can that I came from Oh the fucking sacred heart of Jesus Blew it in the back room Feelin' like a real goon Slam the fuck aside, man I'm on, you're not I am the great big mouth Good riddance, though I'm sad to say I didn't get to kill you Rhetoric, better look both ways I gotta get an arm through Stain What the fuck is up? get the fuck away Run if you want to Innocent? you're a guilty conscience Laugh last, break through Stain Prepare you fucker I don't give a shit, bitch I don't give a fuck, bitch I don't understand, bitch You don't matter I don't give a shit, man I don't give a fuck, man I don't really care, man I'm the super sized man (Take that, motherfucker)[16] |
슬립낫이 공연을 할 때, 항상 슬램 존에서 모싱을 과격하게 하며 민폐를 저지르던 '토르'라는 별명을 가진 긴 금발의 남자에 대한 노래라고 한다. 이 남자는 나중에 공연이 끝난 후 관객들에게 구타를 당했고, 그것을 목격한 코리 테일러가 곡을 작사했다고 한다.
듀크 뉴켐 3D에서 존 세인트 존이 소변을 보는 대사인 "Ahh much better!"가 2분 13초 부근에 샘플링되어 들어가 있다.
10주년 기념 앨범 버전에선 별도 트랙으로 나누어졌다.
5. 10th Anniversary Edition
해외에서 발매한 박스셋
트랙 리스트
1. "742617000027" 0:35
2. "(Sic)" 3:19
3. "Eyeless" 3:56
4. "Wait and Bleed" 2:27
5. "Surfacing" 3:38
6. "Spit It Out" 2:39
7. "Tattered & Torn" 2:53
8. "Purity" 4:25 [18]
9. "Liberate" 3:06
10. "Prosthetics" 4:58
11. "No Life" 2:47
12. "Diluted" 3:23
13. "Only One" 2:26
14. "Scissors" 8:26
15. "Eeyore" 2:46
16. "Me Inside" 2:39
17. "Get This" 2:03
18. "Spit It Out" (Hyper version) 2:24
19. "Spit It Out" (Stamp You Out mix) 2:36
20. "(Sic)" (Molt-Injected mix) 3:27
21. "Wait and Bleed" (Terry Date mix) 2:31
22. "Wait and Bleed" (demo version) 2:34
23. "Snap" (demo version) 2:41
24. "Interloper" (demo version) 2:18
25. "Despise" (demo version) 3:41
Of the Sic: Your Nightmares, Our Dreams (Short Film)
Live at Dynamo Open Air 2000 (Full Concert)
Music Videos
Spit It Out [19]
Wait and Bleed [20]
Wait and Bleed (Animated Version) [21]
2009년 9월 9일 발매.
슬립낫 1집 발매 10주년 기념으로 재발매를 하였다. 기념작인 만큼 Purity는 물론, 비정규음반에 있던 데모음악을 넣어 총 25곡이 되었다. 심지어 비공개 영상과 공연실황 뮤비 등을 담은 DVD까지 함께 나왔다. 부클릿도 성의있게 만들어 두툼해졌다. 그러나 음질에서는 기존반과 큰 차이는 보이지 않는다.
[1] (Sic), Eyeless, Wait and Bleed, Surfacing, Spit it out[2] 녹음 당시 연주 중이던 조이 조디슨에게 화분을 던지거나, 크리스 펜에게 3갤런의 물을 마시게 하여 구토하게 하는 등의 기행을 펼쳤다고 한다.[3] 조쉬 브레이너드는 후에 "마음에 들지 않는 몇 가지 결정이 내려졌다."라고 언급했다.[4] 히든 트랙 〈Mudslide〉, 〈Eeyore〉가 포함되어 있다.[5] 저작권 침해 소송으로 인해 〈Frail Limb Nursery〉와 〈Purity〉가 삭제되었다.[6] 히든 트랙 〈Mudslide〉, 〈Eeyore〉가 포함되어 있다.[7] 영화 칼리토에서 알 파치노가 외친 대사를 샘플링했다.[8] 슬립낫이 로드러너 레코드와의 회의를 위해 뉴욕으로 갔을 때, 어떤 노숙자가 반복하던 말을 인용했다고 한다.[9] 수천 개의 트랙에서 장르를 가리지 않고 사용되어 음악 역사상 가장 많이 샘플링된 녹음 중 하나이며, 'Amen break'라고도 불린다.[10] 2절 후렴이 끝난 후 베이스 솔로로 시작되는 부분[11] 곡의 가사만 컨셉으로 따온 'Purity'와는 다르게 이 곡은 아예 웹사이트의 음성 샘플이 삽입되었기 때문으로 추정된다.[12] 해당 사건의 문서. #[13] 당시는 인터넷 문화가 발달하지 않은 시대이기도 했고, 심지어 웹사이트엔 픽션 면책 조항도 없었다.[14] 나비 수집가인 주인공이 여자를 납치해 지하실에 가둔다는 내용.[15] 1994년의 코미디 공포 영화 'Cemetery Man'에서 루퍼트 에버렛의 대사를 샘플링했다.[16] 아이스 큐브의 'Man's Best Friend'의 일부분을 샘플링했다.[17] 사진이 원본과 좌우대칭이 되었다.[18] 이 버전은 라이브에서 하듯이 드럼소리로 시작한다.[19] 영화 샤이닝 패러디 뮤비[20] 라이브 버전[21] 슬립낫 멤버들이 점토인형으로 등장한다.